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Simon: what are we doing?

Demi: I don't know but...I like it

Simon: me too brat, me too


SIMON P.O.V.: I knew I shouldn't think about Demi in the way I was doing it but I mean, who can blame me for it? I looked down at her and she was playing with my chest hair caressing softly my skin.

Demi: I'm comfortable being held by you

Simon: I don't mind holding you cause I get to do this (I started tickling her waist and she laughed out loud)

Demi: no, stop it (she hit my chest playfully and I smiled stopping) oh lord...if you weren't you, Simon Cowell, you'd be on the floor being punched by me now

Simon: and why can't you do it?

Demi: cause I don't want to break you...I just...can't (I laughed and she placed her hands on my chest kneeling next to me)

Simon: what the hell are you doing? CPR?

Demi: I don't know...I'm not sleepy

Simon: now, come to the bed brat...it's time to sleep...we have a big day tomorrow

Demi: tomorrow?

Simon: I'm free all day tomorrow so maybe we could hang out (I shrugged and she nodded)

Demi: yea, that'd be awesome Simey (she laid on bed next to me and I couldn't help but wonder why did I do in my other life to deserve the honor of being in the same bed with someone as beautiful as Demi) what are you thinking about?

Simon: nothing, just remembering some moments of the X Factor...when we were there together

Demi: aw, I get those flashbacks all the time too (she laughed) I was a little too invasive with you, you probably hated me

Simon: well...the years you was there I was the happier...actually, a lot of people told and still tell me that you brought up another side of me

Demi: how's that?

Simon: they say I was just a mean judge but when you arrived I started to change into a mean smiley judge

Demi: did I really make you smile?

Simon: come on, you know you did...we were always laughing

Demi: yeah but I never knew if it was just because we were in front of the cameras or because I was funny

Simon: you are funny so I guess that's the tea

Demi: I was happy next to you...literally next to you

Simon: I know, I was too...well, we don't know very well if we'll make the show this year because of a lot of problems that I don't want to talk about but...I want you to be there with me

Demi: I don't know, to be in tv is a lot of pressure

Simon: it's not necessary for you to be a judge, just with being sitting next to me in the dark or something like that it would be awesome

Demi: yea, I can think about it

Simon: and plus, nobody discusses with me the way you do about the contestants

Demi: well, your producers said we were starting to get way to damn aggressive with each other on the last days

Simon: well...they always see stuff like that, maybe we didn't see it

Demi: yea, I kinda hated you to that time

Simon: cute (she laughed and after some seconds she moved her body next to mine ans hugged me again relaxing her body on my arms. There was a 10 second silence and then, she talked)

Demi: you know what? I'm sorry for all the horrible things I said to you earlier...I didn't mean it...well, I meant it but I didn't know the true story behind the letter

Simon: (I smiled and she looked at me) I promise I could never tell that to you

Demi: are you serious?

Simon: pretty serious (she smiled sweetly and placed her hand on my face leaning in)

Demi: maybe I'm not over the crush I had for you

Simon: me neither (I whispered and she giggled) sleep well brat

Demi: you too Simey

Simon: I'll take care of you, I appreciate you a bit

Demi: thank you and me too...but just a bit (I smiled feeling her fall sleep in my arms. I loved this girl)

All These Years ~ Dimon Where stories live. Discover now