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SIMON P.O.V.: I was enjoying the game with Eric, everything was amazing, a perfect day for me.

Eric: dad, can you bring me more soda?

Simon: umm okay, wait here (I looked at my bodyguard and pointed to Eric. He nodded and stood up next to him) I'll be back in a minute

Eric: yes, I know

Walking to the food stan I heard a couple argument, I wasn't going to see what was happening but I recognized her voice. Fastly, I ran to the door and saw him pushing her tothe wall and punching her on the stomach. I pushed him backwards and started punching his face.

Henri: oh, the grandpa is here to save his girl, huh? I knew it...she is a slut (I punched him on his mouth until he spit blood on my shirt. I was about to hit him again when a bunch of men came to me and pushed me backwards. They told me to stop when they saw Henri on the floor with blood covering his face, and I did)

I went next to Demi and saw that she was very bad so I just carried her to my car. My bodyguard saw me and he was walking to me.

Simon: no, don't worry...take Eric home, I'll be there later (I left in a hurry and in that moment I didn't even think about the paparazzi that took photos of me punching Henri) oh God

End of flashback

We arrived to the hospital and they took Demi to the emergency room. I sat there waiting for news and my girlfriend called me.

Lauren: Simon, what happened?

Simon: hello Lauren, nothing much

Lauren: you're jocking...I saw the photos, the videos...why did you do that to that boy?

Simon: he was being abusive with a girl, he deserved it

Lauren: who was the girl?

Simon: Demi

Lauren: you took her there with you and Eric? (I heard anger in her voice)

Simon: no I didn't even know she was there until I saw her on the floor with her ex punching her

Lauren: and so you left our kid alone to be with her?

Simon: she's on the hospital Lauren, shut up

Lauren: you'll be home tonight?

Simon: I don't know...I don't think so (I replied looking at Demi through the window of the room)

Lauren: okay then, sleep well with her...I leave in the morning to London, 2 weeks

Simon: fine...I'll be there in the morning to be with Eric

Lauren: yes

Simon: have a nice trip, bye

Lauren: I lov- (I hang up on her)

Doctor: Lovato's family

Simon: umm they aren't here I came with her...I'm her friend

Doctor: oh okay...she's fine, a little damaged but her brain is okay. She hasn't wake up yet but she soon will

Simon: injuries?

Doctor: just a couple ribs broken, a purple eye, lips damaged but nothing too serious

Simon: okay thank you...can I see her?

Doctor: we took her to a private room in the 3rd floor, room 521...you can see her

Simon: alright, I'll go there...thank you doctor

All These Years ~ Dimon Where stories live. Discover now