[12] Devins and Monsters

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"So. Remember when I told you this was more of a couple's event?"

Atty has obviously tried very hard to phrase his question in the most casual tone possible- what with the little shoulder shrug and nonchalant head tilt, but even I can pick up on the uncertainty in his voice.

"As a way of deterring me from asking you? Yeah, I remember," I say as he turns the car left onto a winding gravel road. Up ahead I spot the Grand Hall through the shrubbery, a twinkling beacon of grandeur blanketed against the deep black of the night sky.

Atty snorts, shaking his head. He really should be more careful, there's a strand of hair near his temple that is just threatening to break free of its gel prison and fall on his face any second now. I, on the other hand, have been nothing but vigilant with my dress. He could learn some lessons from me.

He purses his lip as he pulls the car to a gentle stop in front of the entrance. Before the valet can even open his door, Atty has stepped out. In minutes he's handed the valet his keys and has somehow managed to guide me to holding his arm for support.

Some of that may have been me wanting to feel his bicep, but really who knows at this point?

We step through solid oak double doors that stand two stories high and I don't even have time to be stunned because the hall we walked into, narrow as it may be, is nothing short of marvelous. One of the two walls is consumed by windows wider than my house and the other is completely covered by a full-scale painting of flowers from around the world.

I gasp and instinctively reach out to touch. No stuffy curator can stop me from this.

Atty chuckles and bites his lower lip. "You're already blown away and you haven't even seen the actual hall yet. Cute."

I want to retort with a snide remark since it's a good opportunity and he's Atty, but I'm too full of confusion at this point. "You were going to skip this?!"

Why in the world would anyone skip this?!

He shrugs and looks around, avoiding my gaze. Okay, now why is he so on edge? He looks like he's ready to jump any minute.

"What's got you so twitchy?" Wait, wasn't he saying something before about this being a couples' event? Instantly, I add, "Actually, what were you going to say earlier?"

"Right, about that." Atty begins slow, but quickly blurts out the rest. "My coworkers are a unique breed of nosy. Explaining my actual relation to you is more trouble than its worth, especially with them, so I was wondering if it'd be okay with you if-"

"Just tell them I'm your girlfriend."

He just stares at me for a bit, bright green eyes completely focused. Then he lets out a massive sigh, as if all that crumpled up tension is rolling off of him in waves. "Thanks," he mumbles.

I mean, it's a pretty obvious solution. No need to get so worried over it, right? Its not like it means anything or whatever.

Atty takes a couple steps forward, gesturing for us to move on. Then he freezes, grinning. "Stay still," he orders as he pulls something out of his pocket. I squint to get a better look at what's in his hands and it turns out to be his phone.

He brings it up a little and almost just as fast he is putting it back in his pocket.

"Wait, wait that's it? You didn't say cheese, I forgot to smile," I complain. Should've known Atty and pictures don't get along. The fact that he even thought to take one on his own is a miracle as is.

With his eyes still glued on the screen, he distractedly mumbles, "its fine, looks good. Looks great." He seems mesmerized.

I take this opportunity to enact revenge. "You're already blown away by a picture and you haven't even danced with me yet. Cute."

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