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"I don't want this summer to end." Bonnie said as they stood outside their door.
"Neither do I." He said. She smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.
"What was that for?" He said when they pulled apart.
"Thank you. Really." She stopped him before he could argue. "This has been the best summer of my life."
"Me too." He said. He opened the door and they walked into the room. He headed into the bathroom to give her some privacy as she changed. He walked back into the room and saw her on the phone. She put it down when she noticed him.
"What's wrong?" She asked. He didn't look very well.
"Everything's perfect." He said. "Because I am in a great city, with the woman I love." She gave him a look.
"You want to try again?"
"I'm fine." He smiled standing in front of her.
"You know..." she started. "These past few months, I haven't seen you feed. Not even once."
"I have been feeding."
"But not as much as you should be." She said.
"I'm fine." He said. She raised a brow before walking to her jacket. She unpinned a badge from its lapel and turned to Ark.
"You're fine?" She repeated, before pricking herself. His eyes turned red almost immediately, and he took a step back. "No, you're not. You can't starve yourself to be considerate to me."
"I'm not starving myself." He promised. She took another step to him and he tried to stop her. "Bonnie-"
"If you're not starving, this shouldn't be a problem for you." She said, still taking steps towards him.
"I'm fine." He said.
"Yeah?" She stopped in front of him. She put her finger to his mouth. "Prove it."
"I'm not drinking from you." He denied, grabbing her hand before it reached his lips.
"Why not?"
"I could hurt you."
"I trust you."
"That's not very smart."
"Well, I figure if you wanted to kill me, you'd have done it in Peru."
"Wanting to kill you and wanting to drain your blood are two different things."
"Yeah well if you wanted to do that, you've had so many opportunities."
"I'm not drinking your blood, Bonnie." She used her hand to make him face her.
"It's okay." She said. He took her other hand and kissed it.
"I'm fine, Bonnie." He looked at her. "Thank you for being so sweet about it, but I'm okay. Besides, I don't drink from the vein."
"Okay." She nodded and dropped the subject.
"Come on." He led her to the bathroom to wash away the blood on her finger. "Thank you, for trying." He said.
"When was the last time you drank from an actual person?"
"Oh, it's been a while. Since before blood bags were invented."
"I keep forgetting that you're ancient." She grinned. Arkyn mock glared and picked her up and moved her to the room. She squealed holding on for dear life. "I take it back. I take it back!"
"Do you?" He put her on the bed.
"No." She grinned looking at him. "But I love you."
"I love you, too." He said.
"I know." She smirked. She looked at him, serious. "It's our last night on vacation. I don't want to go to sleep."
"Come on." He led her to the balcony. It was a beautiful view, showing the very best of New Orleans. Sounds, smells.
"It's a beautiful city." She said, gazing out.
"The view certainly is." He said staring at her. She looked at him and laughed.
"That was way too cheesy." She gently slapped his chest.
"I couldn't help myself." He defended. "I mean, you're gorgeous."
"Don't think this means I've forgotten about you and your feeding habits. Or rather lack of feeding habit." She glared.
"Bon," He said softly, looking out to the crowd. His eyes zeroed in on Marcel who stood a few streets out watching them. He nudged Bonnie back into their room. "Let's go back inside."
"What is it?" She asked.
"You're going to get cold." He said lamely.
"Come on, you can do better than that." She scoffed folding her arms. Arkyn looked out to see Marcel had disappeared. There was a knock on the door. Arkyn headed to the door, Bonnie behind him.
"Hello." Arkyn said.
"Hi." Marcel said welcomingly. "I don't believe we've met. I'm-"
"Marcel. Yes, I'm aware."
"You have me at a disadvantage. You know who I am, and yet I don't know your name."
"Let's keep it that way." Arkyn said.
"I don't know if you've heard- though I'm guessing you have- I like to keep track of the vampires in my city."
"Lucky for you, I'm not here long. So if you wouldn't mind..." Arkyn trailed off, his voice daring Marcel to stay and start something.
"I do mind."
"Shouldn't you be dead?" Arkyn folded his arms. "I could have sworn you died in nineteen nineteen."
"What would you know about it?"
"Just that I'm sure there are people who'd love to know little Marcellus Gerard is alive and well, thriving in daddy's kingdom." Marcel's friendly smile dropped and he looked deadly.
"Who are you?"
"Someone who doesn't care about the politics or that this is 'your town'. I'm just here to enjoy a vacation with my girl. And you're interrupting."
"I'd hate to... interrupt." Marcel replied in a tone that suggested interrupting was exactly what he intended and he peered at Bonnie. Arkyn moved in front of her as she pulled her cardigan closer together.
"Then leave." Arkyn said.
"Trouble is, how do I know you aren't going to blabbing your mouth."
"I suppose you don't. But there isn't anything you could do about it, now is there?"
"Oh I was hoping you'd say that." He whistler and all of a sudden the hallway behind him filled up with vampires. Arkyn heard a squeal and turned to see a few more had come in through his balcony, and taken Bonnie.
"Let her go." He gritted his teeth.
"Of course." Marcel said. "Except, first I'll need a guarantee."
"Bonnie." Arkyn turned to her. "It'll be okay. I promise." He said. "You remember when Caroline and Tyler got in that accident? Caroline was badly hurt and in the hospital and Damon was being a jerk?" She nodded. "Do you remember what I told you then?" He said and she nodded. She shut her eyes and concentrated. The vampire holding her suddenly let go, and Arkyn sped to her side.
"You can't take us all." Marcel said.
"This is pathetic." Arkyn scoffed. "I don't know what Rebekah ever saw in you."
"You knew Rebekah Mikaelson?" Marcel scoffed. "Is that supposed to deter me?"
"But then again, my sister was always a little naive."
"Oh, yes."
"I've met all the originals. 'Cept for Finn cos he's been locked in a coffin. Nice try, but you're just a regular vampire."
"Why is it the prodigal son never contacted the closest thing to a father he had? Was it because you wanted the city- you saw an opportunity to be more than the prince? Or was it because you're terrified of what he'd do to you if he ever found out how you betrayed him." Marcel jerked. "I know about that too. I don't care much for your issues with him. Hate him all you want."
"I've never heard of you."
"Well, we don't exactly get along." Arkyn shrugged. "I'm not going to go running to tell Klaus that you're alive and well. I don't care. And Rebekah's not around to care. So, you go back to whatever it is you do, and I'll just finish off my vacation. Deal?" Marcel held his eye, not flinching. "Or we can do this the hard way. You don't have enough to subdue me, and it'll be your head that goes first." Marcel stood a little longer before nodding at his vampires who disappeared. "Good call." Arkyn said and Marcel disappeared.

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