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"So, I've been kicked out of the house for the day." Arkyn told Bonnie. "Something about Elena and Rebekah having a chat?"
"Damon and Alaric found something- a cave with pretty much your entire history written out on it."
"Oh, wow. Where?"
"Down in the caves. They figured out Mikael was your dad and Elena's trying to find out more. I haven't told her anything. I told her you confided in me and I'm not ruining that."
"I trust you." He smiled. "So, what do you want to do?"
"I have a couple ideas," she smirked.
"I am all ears."

They ended up going to her house. It was evening when he decided to head home.
"I really enjoyed today." She led him to the door.
"So did I." She agreed. "I love you, Ark."
"I'm gonna hold that against you next time you decide to break up with me." He teased and she gently slapped his arm. "Love you." He leaned down to kiss her.
"Bye." She smiled and watched him walk away. She stood at the door until he disappeared from view and moved back inside.

When Arkyn got home he found his sister on the floor of the library crying, Alexis right beside her.
"Bex." He sped towards her, gathering her in his arms. "What happened, Bekah?"
"He killed her, Ark. He killed her." She said, and he looked over to Alexis.
"It wasn't Mikael who killed your mother. It was Klaus." She explained.
"For centuries he's told us Mikael murdered our mother. I stood by his side, I have always been there for him. But he's been lying. He killed her." She sobbed into her brother's chest and stayed there. Arkyn looked up, gesturing for Alexis to go.
"Shh, shh." He tried to soothe. He didn't really know what to say.
"You're not surprised." She accused.
"I suppose I'm just numb to all the horrible things he's done."
"For a thousand years, I've blamed Mikael for killing our mother."
"Even without having killed our mother, Mikael is still guilty of a lot. Do not suppose he's a lesser evil just because he wasn't the one to kill mother."
"I'm going to kill Nik." She said.
"Bex, stop. You're impulsive when you're angry. You'll end up regretting it."
"He's a-"
"This makes Klaus no more guilty than he was yesterday. His crimes are extreme and always have been."
"Are you not angry? Do you not hate him?"
"I'm already at the maximum capacity for the hatred I have for Klaus. I've hated him for centuries, and I'll continue to hate him for centuries. But you've loved him and have been devoted to him for most of your life. If you hurt him, you'll regret it. You know it, I know it. It's best you take time to cool off. So I'm going to help you to your room, and you're going to go to sleep, and we'll revisit the topic in a week. Deal?"
"Fine." She said.
"Now if you want someone to stay with you and insult Klaus, I'm always here for that."
"Why do you hate me? You've never even told me."
"I don't hate you, Bex."
"You're always so cautious around me, and you don't trust me and sometimes you can't even stand to look at me."
"Let's just get you to sleep."
"It can't all be because of the whole Mikael thing a century ago."
"I don't hate you, Bex, so come on. Let's get you to sleep."
"I don't want to sleep. I want to drink. You got any good stuff here?" She wiped away her tears, standing up.
"Rebekah..." she ignored his tone and began searching. He stood up and reached around her, picking up a bottle of vodka. "This what you're looking for?"
"It's perfect." She said, and picked up some shot glasses. She headed up to her room and he groaned but followed her.

The next morning he woke up on the floor of Rebekah's bedroom. He stood up and saw that she was peacefully asleep in her bed. He softly picked up the empty bottles and glasses and softly tiptoed out of her room. He cleaned himself up and walked over to Xavier and Alexis's rooms and checked on them. The siblings were in their respective rooms sound asleep and he headed back down, to the basement.
He was there for an hour before Rebekah came down. "You're such a guy." She said, leaning on the doorframe. He stopped looking up.
"Good morning to you too, sister." He said.
"So, what? You have a treadmill that wasn't even built for vampire speed, a car instead of a punching bag, and a lot of other stuff I can't recognise."
"Lex and Xave's mom enchanted the treadmill a long time ago. I don't have super speed whenever I'm on it. And I've broken too many punching bags."
"You don't always need to punch stuff. Like I said. Such a guy."
"Where are you off to?"
"Out and about."
"You wouldn't happen to be going anywhere near the Salvatores to offer up your help in killing Klaus, would you?"
"No, you're right. Mikael is still a monster. And if they want to raise him, I want nothing to do with it."
"Okay, I suppose I'll see you when you get home." He turned back to the car.
"That's it?"
"Bex, you're over a thousand years old and I'm your brother. You can make your own decisions."
"Huh. I like the sound of that. I've always had Nik or Elijah spoiling my fun."
"Well, now you don't. But please do stay away from the Salvatores. And Elena. Mikael is just as bad as Klaus, and no matter how much you hate the latter right now, the former will never be the solution."
"Okay, I'll keep my distance." She said. "How did it go, yesterday? With Bonnie?"
"It was great."
"You guys back together?"
"Okay, good. I'm gonna go now."
"Bye, Bex." He said without turning around and she left.

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