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Esther left with Finn, Kol and Rebekah. As much as Kol and Rebekah wanted to stay with Arkyn, they couldn't refuse their mother. Arkyn still made plans to see Kol the next day. Something was bugging him, though- a nagging feeling as though there was something he was forgetting. He soon realised. Elena was roaming the streets unprotected with Rebekah out for vengeance.
"Lex, I'm going out for a bit." He yelled before rushing out. He zipped around town, listening and looking for either girls, and found them outside the hospital. "Bex." He called stopping her, as she grabbed Elena's throat.
"Fair's fair, Ark. She stabbed me in the back. She deserves this."
"Rebekah, stop." He said.
"She tried to kill me."
"Going after originals is a theme in this town. Look, it was wrong, but two wrongs don't make a right."
"You heard him, Rebekah." A familiar voice called out. Arkyn turned and saw Elijah standing behind him. "Leave her alone."
"Why?" Rebekah let go of Elena, and crossed her arms looking at Elijah.
"Are you challenging me?" Elijah asked.
"Stop it." Arkyn glared at Elijah.
"You're willing to let the doppelgänger die?"
"No, I'm willing to talk my sister out of killing Elena rather than acting like a misogynistic dick who owns her."
"Thank you, Ark." Rebekah said, shoving past Elijah. Arkyn walked after her.
"Come on, Bex." He said. "There's no reason you have to stay over there tonight."
"Mother will kill me."
"For spending one night with your brother?"
"How do you do it? How do you blatantly disobey her and her away with it? If the rest of us tried that..." Rebekah shook her head.
"Easy. I'm immune to her 'I've just come back from the dead and want to be a big happy family' card."
"Lucky." She said as Arkyn put an arm around her shoulder. Elena looked after them strangely.
"Well..." Elijah cut into her train of thought. "I believe we have catching up to do."

Arkyn took Rebekah home and they spent the night talking with Alexis- the three of them, just like before she was daggered.
"Anyways, we hate Bonnie now." Alexis finished.
"We do not hate Bonnie now." Arkyn corrected.
"We do." Rebekah gestured between her and Alexis.
"She broke up with you, because she didn't want Nik to hurt you for protecting her when she wasn't doing anything, and then she pulls something like this? I mean if Nik even thought that you were involved he wouldn't even hesitate to come after you." Alexis looked away and Rebekah realised she was missing something. "What is it?"
"Don't do that, Ark. Don't lie to me."
"It's nothing, Bekah. Really."
"Alexis, darling, what is my brother hiding?"
"Don't ask her." Arkyn said. Alexis looked uncertain.
"She deserves to know."
"Hey, don't you get mad at Alexis." Rebekah said. "Tell me the truth." Arkyn sighed.
"This summer, Bonnie and I went travelling. We met a seer who spouted a prophecy."
"What prophecy?"
"She said to beware the original witch."
"But mother wasn't alive then."
"She also said to beware Bonnie. That she'd be my downfall."
"My god, Arkyn. Do you have a death wish? I understand you love her too much to kill her but sticking around town knowing she's fated to kill you?"
"A seer only sees one interpretation of the future. It is never set in stone."
"Stay away from her, Arkyn. I will not lose you."
"You won't."
"If it came down to you or her friends, she'd choose her friends. Ark, don't you get it? You're hung up over someone who will never put you first."
"Rebekah's right. She proved that by helping Stefan Salvatore hold your brothers' bodies hostage."
"Isn't it time for you to go to sleep?"
"I'm a little old for a bedtime."
"Are you really?" He teased and Rebekah's phone rang.
"It's Nik." She said. Arkyn shrugged and she picked up.
"Rebekah, love. Where are you? Mother's noticed your absence."
"Relax. I'm at Ark's."
"No fair. I would much rather be with Ark than here with Nik!" Kol called in the background.
"Hurry home would you? Mother has something to say."
"And bring Arkyn with you? She says it's a matter for the family."
"Fat chance." Arkyn snorted and Alexis looked at him curiously. "I'm apparently being summoned along with Rebekah." He explained.
"Klaus is delusional." She laughed.
"Just come home, would you Rebekah?"
"Ark's place is more of a home than yours."
"I'll see you in a little bit." Klaus said and hung up.
"You don't have to go." Ark told her.
"Yeah, I do."
"Klaus and Elijah may be stuck in the past, but you're your own person, Bex. You don't have to do whatever they say."
"It's not that. It's mother." She said, leaning over to hug Alexis and Arkyn. She jumped off the bed and sped away. She opened the door to leave when she bumped into Bonnie who was about to knock. "What are you doing here?"
"Yeah. I'm back."
"I'm glad." Bonnie said. "Arkyn missed you."
"If it were up to you and your little friends I'd still have a dagger in my back." She rolled her eyes. "Let's get something straight. In a thousand years, you are the second person my brother has ever loved. That makes you special. But I don't care what you mean to him, because if you hurt him, I will come after you. You might have him buying into this innocent act, but I haven't fallen for it."
"I love your brother."
"But not enough to put him above your hatred for Nik. Not enough to put him first."
"Isn't mother expecting you?" Arkyn's voice rang behind her.
"Yeah." Rebekah glanced back at her brother before glaring at Bonnie. "I should probably get going."
"I'll see you tomorrow, Bex. Fill me in later?"
"Bye." She walked away and Arkyn walked closer to the door.
"Hey." He greeted.
"Your mother?"
"She was in the coffin you unlocked."
"The original witch. Don't trust her, Ark."
"I don't."
"But you trust me?"
"I do. Because I love you, and I know you would never want to hurt me." She smiled at him, and stepped closer, kissing him.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"For being you. And because I love you too."

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