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Arkyn was too preoccupied with Alexis to notice that his phone had died. Not expecting company, he and Alexis were surprised when the doorbell rang. Alexis went to open and he followed after her not trusting that she wouldn't slam the door closed if it were Bonnie.
"Bex!" He grinned, as a blonde blur rushed at him, giving him a hug. He hugged her back.
"Hey Ark." She replied.
"So are the rest of us invited in, or are we chopped liver?" A familiar voice cut through.
"Kol?" He looked surprised.
"Hey, little brother." Arkyn stepped out of the house to hug his brother and saw Finn. He hugged his eldest brother too.
"You're all undaggered."
"That's not all." Rebekah said, and pulled forward a familiar face. Arkyn tensed.
"My darling son." She greeted and he looked at her suspiciously.
"How are you here?"
"You remember Ayana? She preserved my body, in hopes that I might one day be back."
"Isn't this wonderful?" Rebekah exclaimed, and he nodded.
"Sure. That's one word for it." He nodded.
"Ark..?" Alexis pointed behind Finn. "The asshole's here too." Kol snorted as Elijah looked somewhat offended.
"Sounds like there's a story there." He said.
"Kol, Finn. I've heard nothing but good about you, so would you two like to come in? Well, mostly good." She corrected.
"I would love to." Kol stepped inside the house, and Finn followed. Alexis narrowed her eyes at Esther, but said nothing. It was clear that she and Ark were thinking about the seer's prophecy.
"Thank you." Finn said.
"To be clear- I'm good, Elijah's bad?" Kol asked.
"Well, Ark said you had your moments, but all in all you're not a very evil person. Elijah, on the other hand, I've been able to judge for myself." She held her hand out. "I'm Lex, by the way."
"As you already know, I'm Finn, and this is Kol. How is that by the way?"
"Ark told me stories, and he addressed Kol by name." She shrugged, leading the originals deeper into the house.
"Are you leaving Elijah out there?" Esther asked.
"He's certainly not coming in here." Alexis scoffed. Ark stood by Kol.
"So, brother. Who is this doll?" Alexis glared at Kol, giving him an aneurysm, and he winced clutching his head. "Feisty."
"Don't call her doll." Arkyn advised, "And Lex is... family."
"Replaced us already."
"Well, I had two vacancies." He winked at Alexis.
"Elijah and Nik?" Kol asked.
"Now, aren't you a genius?" Arkyn looked over at Esther. "You were in the coffin? You're the weapon against Klaus."
"Your friends were mistaken. I was never a weapon." Arkyn didn't look convinced.
"This is what? Their third attempt on Nik's life?" Rebekah let out a laugh. "They're persistent, I'll tell you that."
"You mean to tell me there are people who have tried to kill Nik, more than once, that are still breathing?" Kol laughed. "This town is all out of sorts."
"They're only alive because Ark's dating one of them." Rebekah explained.
"You have a girl?" Kol looked at his brother.
"Kol, Rebekah, I'm sure Arkyn will tell you about her in his own time. For now, stop pestering him." Esther said.
"Yes mother."
"Sure." Kol and Rebekah mumbled at the same time, looking like a couple kids scolded.
"This is too weird." Alexis walked out of the room.
"Arkyn, won't you come with us?" Esther asked.
"Not if you want to lead me to Klaus."
"It's a home. For our family. Another chance for us all to be together."
"I have a home of my own. And family is welcome here. Klaus and Elijah have proved time and time again that they are not my brothers. If you want to go to Klaus, then you're welcome to leave."
"I'm staying here." Kol announced jumping on a sofa. He must have fallen on the tv remote, because it blared up all of a sudden. "What is that weird thing?"
"That's a television."
"I've seen a television. That is not a television."
"Yes, it is, Kol." Arkyn rolled his eyes, walking over to turn off the tv. "You've been daggered for a while."
"Either way, I'd rather stay here."
"Me too. I already have a room set up."
"Enough of this nonsense. We are all going to stay together. So Arkyn, either you get your witch to invite Niklaus and Elijah in, or we all move there."
"She's not my witch. And I'm not leaving her, nor will I allow her under the same roof as Klaus and Elijah. You may do what you wish, mother, but Klaus and Elijah will never be welcome here, and I am not going to stay with them." Rebekah tugged on Kol and Finn and they edged out of the room.
"Mother." He mimicked. "While we're at it, I don't much trust you either. What, with your antics with Elena. And how is it that a seer who had no idea of you or my connection to you foresaw your presence?"
"Isn't that what she does? Predict the future?"
"Well, with what she was saying, I certainly hope not." Arkyn's eyes were steely, daring his mother to test him.
"My sweet boy." She took a step towards him and touched his facing, gazing at him with the love only a mother could provide.
"I'm not a boy anymore. I am going to stay here. With Lex. You may go to Klaus's house if you wish, but that is truly up to you."
"I just want us to be a family again."
"It's a couple centuries too late, mother. Nothing will ever get me to forgive Klaus nor Elijah, so you can play happy families without me." Arkyn stormed off, leaving Esther standing alone. His siblings stood in the hallway.

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