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Arkyn walked into Klaus's house, an arm around Bonnie. Alexis walked beside him, her arms folded.
"Why did we have to come before the party even started?" She frowned.
"Because my mother is hosting it and she wants us all there early."
"So why did I have to come early?"
"Because I'm your ride, and also this whole thing was your idea, so stop complaining."
"Arkyn!" His mother called from upstairs.
"I'll be right back." He rolled his eyes. "Will the two of you be okay?"
"Go." Alexis sighed and Bonnie nodded. He walked away. Once he disappeared from view, Bonnie turned to Alexis.
"No." Alexis cut her off. She gestured to her ears and Bonnie nodded.
"Would it help if I said sorry?"
"The only reason I'm even tolerating you is because Ark loves you. He doesn't love much, but he loves you. I don't trust you anymore. He does. Just know, if you do end up proving me right, it will not end good for you." Alexis walked off.

Meanwhile when Arkyn reached the room, his siblings, were all gathered.
"Pleased to see you could make it." His mother remarked.
"Well, Alexis made a speedy recovery." He shrugged. Rebekah laughed. "I see you went with green."
"It looked better on me." She shrugged. Esther cleared her throat.
"As I was saying, we will allow an hour for people to mingle, and for late arrivals, before a toast. Elijah has offered to address the town, having made an impression here. The evening will continue with a dance. And later tonight, I will finish with another toast. No violence. Tonight is a celebration, and that is the only rule I have. Absolutely no violence of any kind."
"Of course." Ark agreed.
"Sure." Rebekah added, insincerely. Kol just shrugged.
"No violence." Elijah nodded.
"Yes mother." Finn continued and they all looked to Klaus expectantly.
"Fine." He said dramatically.
"Hey, Ark." Kol smirked. "What's the story down there?"
"Ark's girlfriend helped her friends hold you, Finn and Elijah hostage while she tried to open mother's coffin." Rebekah said.
"They thought mother's coffin was a weapon against Nik so, as usual, they were trying to kill him."
"Huh." Kol nodded. "I want to meet her." He was out of the door before Arkyn could stop him. Arkyn followed, Rebekah behind them. Kol walked over to Bonnie. Arkyn gestured for Rebekah to go to Alexis, before heading after Kol. "Hi, I'm Kol." He introduced.
"Bonnie." She shook his hand.
"So you're the girl my brother's in love with? Huh." Kol examined her.
"Kol.." Arkyn said, warningly.
"How long have the two of you been together?"
"About a year." Bonnie shrugged.
"And you actually like my brother?"  Kol teased.
"I love him."
"Things must be pretty complicated, what with Klaus your number one enemy."
"Kol, your tie's looking a little wonky. You better go fix it."
"It appears my little brother is embarrassed by me." Kol winked at Bonnie. Arkyn tugged on Kol's tie, undoing it somewhat.
"No, you just need to fix your tie."
"I'll come find you later." Kol announced and walked away. Arkyn shook his head, though grinning, and led Bonnie over to Alexis and Rebekah.
"Everything okay over here?"
"It was." Alexis shrugged innocently, glaring at Bonnie.
"Alexis." Arkyn scolded, as Rebekah smirked.
"First guests have arrived." Rebekah said, nudging her twin. "Why don't you go greet them, Ark, seeing as you've been in town longer?"
"No, that's Elijah's job."
"Because Finn's busy tending to mother and Elijah's the one who decided to take on the role of host seeing as he's already infiltrated the town."
"I understand hating Klaus, but why Elijah? He's the good brother."
"I suggest you recheck your definition of good. Weren't you pissed at Elijah last night?"
"Only because he wouldn't let me kill the doppelgänger."
"Neither did I."
"Yeah, but..." she shrugged.
"Ark's right. Your so called good brother is a total ass." Alexis added. "We're anti Klaus and Elijah on this side."

More and more guests started to arrive and Arkyn spent his time between Alexis and Bonnie. He tried to keep the peace between them, but Alexis managed to make snide comments at Bonnie.
"Alexis, enough." Arkyn said, for what must have been the hundredth time.
"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. Her eyes lit up as she noticed someone. "I'll be over there."
"Who's that?" Arkyn pulled her back before she could leave.
"Just some kid who goes to school." She shrugged and walked away. Arkyn watched her as she greeted a boy.
"That's Jake. I know his sister." Bonnie informed. "She's on the cheer team."
"I'm guessing he's the reason she wanted to come so badly."
"Well maybe he'll be good for her. After Jeremy." Bonnie pointed out.
"Who's Jeremy?" Kol popped up behind them.
"It's rude to listen in to private conversations, brother."
"Who's that vampire?" Kol said, nodding towards Damon. "He was there the night Elijah undaggered us."
"Damon Salvatore."
"Right, and who is he talking to?"
"Mayor Lockwood."
"I want to meet the mayor." Kol headed straight towards them.
"Go." Bonnie smiled.
"Come with me." He offered but she shook her head.
"I'll be fine here." She promised nudging him away. He nodded and headed after his brother.
"Mayor Lockwood." Kol kissed her hand as he greeted her. "We haven't formally met. Kol Mikaelson. I hope your lovely town embraces us just as much as we plan to embrace it. I believe you've met my brother, Arkyn?"
"I wasn't aware there was any relation." Carol looked at Arkyn curiously.
"Well, it's not exactly something I like to advertise." He said. Damon looked at Kol.
"Damon Salvatore." He held out a hand. "Have we met?"
"I've met a lot of people, and you don't particularly stand out." Kol refused to shake his hand, and walked away. Arkyn followed after him.
"Dial it down, would you?"
"Are you actually sticking up for that baby vampire?" Arkyn snorted.
"Definitely not. But the more you antagonise him, the more he'll get pissed and start antagonising you back. And then you'll end up fighting and breaking mother's only rule."
"Do you even care?"
"I care that there is no violence here tonight. Not with Lex here."
"Lex? Not Bonnie?"
"I should get back to my date. Behave, brother."
"Always." Kol gave him a smirk that did nothing to assure him.

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