Chapter 4

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AN: this chapter contains mature content. you have been warned. coming chapters made contain or reference mature content. 

After practice just like always Julie and James spent another hour just the two of them.

"your not paying a lick of attention tonight coach. I've gotten two balls by you without a problem. What's up?"

"my mother is in town one day and I'm going crazy."

"so spend some time with me. That'll be less time with her."

Did she realize what that would mean for him. He would never be able to spend more time with her unless they were going to do it horizontal and in private. " I was thinking maybe would could have practice the park from now on. Do you think the team would go for it/"

"oh yeah they would love that."

"okay I'll let them know in the morning." he went home that night a plan in his brain h had to get less tie with her if he could just get her playing with the other girls instead of him things would be fine. The next day he met the girls at the park. They had there normal practice then he made excuses that he had to go home to go out with his mother and left Julie to practice with the other girls. Over the next week it seemed to work she met the girls and practiced but it was after his mother went home that he realized that he was missing Julie.

Not thinking about it he went by the park. Julie was there alone. He walked over.

"hey where's everyone else?"

"there is no one else. They thought it was fun the next couple days but then it was either to cold or they had to go do this or that. We've been in school only three months and they already want it to be over. I don't know how there going to make it through college." she was very abrupt and business like.

"you okay?"

"yeah sure why wouldn't I be okay. Things are going okay then I kiss you and then you pawn me off on somebody else. I'm sorry if it bothered you I won't do it again I promise. But don't worry about me I'll be okay." somehow hearing that she was sorry that she wouldn't do it again irritated him. Especial her tone of voice it was mix of hurt and condescension. It wasn't even a conscious thought he just strode across the court and took he in his arms. The kiss was fierce at first then gentled her arms went of their own accord around his neck. His hands held her to him she was soft and supple against him his only thought as he explored her mouth was that he had to have her.

"say no now because this won't be the end of it if you don't."

She didn't even hesitate. "yes, oh god yes."

He didn't ask if she was sure he just took her by the hand and led her into the trees. When they were far enough away from the park to avoid prying eyes he pulled her down to the grass and kissed her again. He cupped her breasts loving them gently. his mouth sought them out even through her shirt he took them in his mouth rolling her nipple until it was pebbled then switching to the other. He pulled at his shirt until her hands slid over smooth taunt skin. He thrust against her in his jeans. He couldn't think for want of her. It was a smooth motion that took her jeans and panties off he dropped them onto the ground and freed himself.

"last chance to say no." she just arched up encouraging him. He pulled a condom sheathed himself and slid into her he wasn't surprised that she wasn't a virgin most of the girls weren't. it took only a couple strokes to bring her but he wasn't satisfied with that he brought her two more times before he found his own release. He pulled her into his arms and held her. This was what he wanted what he was searching for this connection the only things now was how did she feel and how were they going to be together. 

But he needn't have worried their practice sessions were perfect the next few months were them playing hide and seek with her parents his boss and the other members of her team it was Christmas before they knew what happened. They drove out the river to spend some time together he didn't have anyone to report to on his free time so they only had to lie to her parents they thought she was at the library. As she curled up in his arms on one blanket and under another they talked about what they were going to do after school was out and they could be together without censure.

"I've got a present for you." she said holding out a small box. "I know you said you didn't really get into the men's jewelry but I saw this and thought of you." she opened it and inside was a little basketball in a gold chain he chuckled and put it on.

"I love it. And this is for you." he held out a little box also. She took it smiling that he got her something. She opened it, inside were a pair of earrings one was a lock in the shape of a heart and the other was the key. She looked at him trying to see if he really meant what this implied.

"I didn't think you would miss the symbolism. I get choked up when I try to say it the regular way so I thought of this."

She put her hand over his heart. "I'll keep it safe." their next kiss was promise of what could be. She wore her earrings all through Christmas and new years and he wore his little pendant it was the first week back to school after Christmas break. He was late to the gym one day she had been leaving him notes in only places he would find saying various things the one he like the best said simply that she loves him. He walked I and she was sitting their in her gym clothes practice had been cancelled since some of team was out for the flue but they still wanted the excuse to be together. She sat huddled she hadn't planned on telling him there but when he came in she started to cry.

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