Chapter 5

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"hey what is it what's the matter?" he said crouching down in front of her. She threw her hands around his neck.

"it's all my fault they'll fin out and you'll get fired and it'll be all my fault. I love you so much they can't do anything to bad to you because I am an adult even if they don't want to admit it. My parents are going to hate you at first but then they'll love you as much as I do. Well almost."

"wait a minute slow down. Now what happened?"

He was prepared for a lot of things but what she said was not one of them. "I'm going to have a baby. I'm about three months along. It's only January by the time school let's out I'll be huge. They won't rest until they know who it is the father. I can lie about a lot of things but not this. I can wait a little while but not to long they'll know in a few weeks. What are we going to do?"

He sat there a minute. "I'm not sure yet but what ever we do I love you and we'll do this together. Okay?"

"okay." he kissed her and helped her to stand. He led her to the showers. Thinking there was no one there he helped her out of her clothes and into the shower. Her shucked his own clothes and followed her in. she kissed up his chest and across his shoulders. He pressed her against the wall hitching her up he entered her.

He couldn't hear for the shower spray the footsteps coming into the locker room. He did hear thought the high pitched squeal. Dropping Julie to her feet he turned then remembered he turned back around. He could see out of the corner of his eyes that the girl whichever team member it was had fled. It would be only minutes before the rest of school would be coming down on their heads. He quickly dried himself and her. They were dressed when the principle and another teacher came in with the girl in tow.

"James what in the hell is going on. Heather said she saw you and Julie ... well ... indisposed?"

"She did Mrs. Charles." Julie rounded on him

"James you can't you'll be fired" she said in a fierce whisper.

"It's the right thing I won't lie about this either. I love you and I won't hide behind you skirt for safety let them fire me I'll be able to court you like I want to."

"No James you love your job."

"It's done Julie and I won't take it back."

"James are you saying your carrying on a intimate relationship with one of you students?"

"Barbra I know I don't want to make trouble but what happened between Julie is between two consenting adults."

"I know Julie that your over eighteen but that doesn't change that fact that you're a student at this school. James you know what this means for your career. I hate to do it but there isn't a choice in the matter. I'll have to ask you to clear out you things and have you escorted from the premises. Julie I'll have to call your parents. James you the best coach these girls have had but this can't be over looked out of regard for the both of you I'll keep this as quiet as I can for now but it'll get out."

Julie turned to James "should we tell her?"

"it would be best to have everything out in the open. It'll avoid some of the bad pr if every one knows the facts." James waited until Julie nodded and "Barbra you need to know Julie's pregnant."

The principal just stared at them. "Julie I think we should call you parents now."



"no. I'm not some child you can tattle on to her parents make them come get me and escort me home like some bad little girl. James I'll get my things and meet you by your car." Julie left the locker room with tears running down her cheeks.

"James she needs to stay and talk to her parents."

"I'm not going to force her into anything. I haven't don't anything but love her I didn't manipulate her or coerce her I won't start now. Besides that last thing she needs right now is a show down with her parents."

"they're her parents they'll be the ones she has to lean on while this blows over."

"no she'll have me, always. And don't presume to know what Julie's relationship with her parents is like."

"oh and you know?"

"yeah because I've listened and I was the one to sit next to her and hold her when she cried. I love her despite what you may think to the contrary." James walked out then he had nothing to collect so he headed for his car. It was late model Buick it looked nice and ran like a dream despite being a few years old. Julie was leaning against the car her things on the hood. He walked up and stood right in front of her. She just put her arms around him, and he held her. 

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