Chapter 6

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She was upset, but she was more worried about James future then anything else. Once this got out there would be all kinds of speculation about him. She felt the tears start again. She saw through the window behind James the principal sit down at her desk and pick up the phone. She knew she would call her parents and she didn't want to be around when the showed up. They would be upset they would blame James and they would shut her away from him like she was a child in need of a time out to deter future bad behavior. She didn't want the threats hurled at James and she knew they would come.

"it'll be okay we'll go home eat some dinner and just chill tonight we'll talk tomorrow and figure out the next step then. Okay?"

"sounds good. Do I get you for desert?"

"desert tonight a midnight snake and breakfast tomorrow."

"not enough." she kissed him and he opened the door for her. They drove to his house not saying anything. Dinner was pizza ordered out. They had just curled up on the couch to watch a movie when his door bell rang. He went to answer it. Julie's father was on the other side.

"where's my daughter?" Bruce was not happy he had spent the whole evening with his daughters principal trying to figure out what had been going on. He was missing work to sort out this mess.

"wait here." James shut the door in his face and went to the living room.

"who was it?"

"it's your father he's waiting on the porch I don't think he's going to go away. He could visibly see her face pale. "do you want me to let him in or tell him to go away?"

"might as well let him in it won't get any better until he's said what he wants to." James didn't like it but he did what she wanted. Bruce was alone Julie wasn't sure why. Did her mother stay at work did she know what was going on?

"get you things Julie were going home."

"I am home."

"what? This isn't a joke Julie let's go." he said showing his temper.

"I'm not going anywhere. I know you don't understand dad but I am not leaving here."

"I'm your father you live under my roof I said let's go."

"not if she doesn't want to she doesn't. she's got a home here and I won't see her put in a position that may do more harm then good to her or the baby."

"you stay out of this boy your lucky I don't have your ass arrested for rape."

"you can't I'm over eighteen dad. It was consensual by two adults I'll swear to it in court, fuck the court I do swear to it."

"you're a teenager who doesn't know the first thing about being a grown up." that took her aback

"who was it for the last three years who's been cooking and cleaning doing the laundry and the grocery shopping paying the bills making sure you and mom get lunch making sure the doctors appointments were kept making sure every Friday your alarm was turned off so that you ad mom could sleep. Who dad? It wasn't the dust bunnies."

"you be careful with your tone young lady I'm still you father."

"are you sure? it seems like I've been the parent and you two the children. It's like I've had a husband for the last three years and never once got a thank you or a hey why don't you take the weekend and spend it with your friends. No I was expected every weekend to be home so that you and mom could play perfect family. You know who my friends were. The lady at the bank I saw every Friday. I know all the people at the grocery store on a first name basis. I went to PTA meetings because my parents had to work I listened like I was another parent because it was the only way I could make it seem less bizarre. You want to play dad now, sorry its to late I'm full grown I'm sorry if you missed it but it's your own fault." she was crying the tears streaming down her face. She could see the guilt start to seep into her fathers face and she didn't want the guilty I'm sorry she wanted him to understand.

She wanted for once to be thought of more then just a abstract child they had. More then a house keeper or secretary she wanted to for once be treated like a full grown woman, and daughter.

"last year when I was in the hospital I sat there by my self while you and mom floundered at home you didn't come to see me except when you couldn't figure out something at home. I kept telling myself that you didn't like to see me in the hospital that it was to hard on you. But you know what it wasn't that, oh it was probably in there some where but what was foremost was irritation that I got my self hurt and couldn't be there to take care of you. I may be wrong but you know what I don't care anymore. I decided to take something for myself I knew the moment I kissed James the first time that you would hate him and me for being with him but I wanted for once to do something for myself. And I found someone who loves me for me. We're going to have a beautiful baby together. If that disrupts your life tough shit." she sobbed and dropped back onto the couch. She was spent for the first time in her life she had stood up to her dad and it had exhausted her.

"I think it's time for you to go. You want to talk call. My phones in the book." James guided him to the door. Shutting the door behind him he went to find Julie. 

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