Chapter 9

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"Julie. Julie Ann you open this door right now."

"I'm gin to take a shower and then lay down for awhile."

"you okay." James asked hugging her.

"no but I will be. We need to make a doctors appointment soon." she kissed him and walked down he hall. The shower was hot and relaxing. She slid into bed naked wanting to wrap the sent of James around her. She knew he would keep watch down stairs. She was asleep within minutes. When she awoke she pulled on a pair of his boxers and a tee shirt and when to the kitchen. She could hear what sounded like James laughing coming form the living room. Then she heard another voice a very familiar one. She walked in and was stunned to see her boyfriend sitting there laughing with her grandparents.

"Julie baby you awake finally how are you feeling?" her grandmother enveloped her in a hug.

"what are you doing here?"

"what kind of question is that? And you didn't answer me."

"I'm okay. Did dad call you?"

"yes he did and I don't think we gave him the reaction he was looking for."

"what do you mean?"

"oh he called us figuring we as parents would take his side. But he was mistaken. Your grandpa and I aren't blind. You were right when you decided to come here you were also right when you said they weren't good parents and had no right to act like it now. But you were wrong not to talk to them. They love you even if their a bunch of ... well any way the point is. You have only one set of parents and as bad as they are you shouldn't close them out this way."

"but what am I going to do with them they'll never understand what's been going on or why."

"well why not? Why don't you tell me what's going on and we'll see how we can make them see it."

"well..." she went over and curled up next to James she didn't have to think about how to say it or how to color it. She told the truth and new with all her heart that it would be tough as hell to get any one to understand. "I've fallen in love with the most wonderful man I've ever met and were going to have a baby."

"why wouldn't they understand that?"

"because all they see is the little girl who was an inconvenience for everyone the little girl that impeded their plans to become rich and live a care free life." she was crying now. "I've never had any delusions about what I was to them. I was told it often enough that I knew that I was a mistake they never wanted me. So as I got older I did everything in my power not to be burden . Until I broke my leg I was doing good they even began to make time to take me places we'd do the whole family thing. Then that stupid accident it was all my fault and I was set back I went from a good thing to being a burden again. I busted my but to be back on my feet. And then I realized nothing would ever do would be good enough so I went back to school for me I am going to graduate for me. I'm going to a mother and love someone who loves me I've finally gotten what I've always wanted unconditional love I don't get up In the morning and go about my day thinking about what would make some one else happy with me so they would be there on the weekend. I get up in the morning knowing that I do everything I can to make him happy because I know at the end of the day whether I do it or not he'll love me. I don't have to do it out of some kind of duty I do it because I make him happy and that makes me happy. They'll never understand that. The most I can get is forgiveness an then maybe just maybe they'll be better grandparents then they were parents." Julie sat back and curled tighter to James.

Her grand father crouched down in front of her. "first things first that accident was not your fault I'm tired of hearing that. Second your parents are selfish inconsiderate bastards and I'm ashamed to call them family. Third they may not understand but we should at least try. And no matter what the three of us love you."

She hugged him and told him she loved him. She stood "I think I need something to drink you guys want anything?"

"no thanks." James said. As Julie left she said "and it was to my fault."

"Julie why do you persist in taking the blame for that accident?"

"because it was."

"why is it such a big deal it was just a broken leg." James said not understanding why they were arguing about this.

"just a broken leg. Julie is that what you told him?"

"it wasn't a big deal why are we even talking about this?'

"Julie did you tell him what the doctor said.'

"it is not a big deal stupid doctors the said I would never walk again and not only can I walk I dance pretty well to and I play basket ball among other things."

"what did she leave out?" James asked.

"fine if you want to go ahead and tell him be my guest but it'll no good just make him worry about things that are already healed." she went to the kitchen and got her drink. They waited for her to come back before filling in the missing pieces.

"it was a broken leg. And a broken arm, three broken ribs, a punctured lung, a bruised liver and kidney. And damage to her spinal cord from the shattered pelvis."

"Julie why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"it was nothing I got better I can even kick you ass at basket ball as I recall. It's no big deal."

"no big deal? Julie you could have been killed. I think a near death experience is a big deal. You were more then just clipped by a car then."

"Clipped? She was run over. And it wasn't her fault she was crossing the street at a cross walk when a car rant he light and hit her. If she had died they would have gone to prison for involuntary man slaughter."

"Julie what the hell? Why didn't you tell me this?"

"because it is not something I want to rehash it happened I am all better let it go." Julie got up and started to leave the room.

"you didn't tell him the rest did you?" Julie stopped she knew exactly what her grandfather was talking about and no she hadn't told any one especially James. She turned to her grandfather and pleaded with him silently to let it go. "you know he has a right to know."

"it isn't a problem the doctors haven't been right yet why would we bother thinking they were right about this one thing."

"Julie no more you tell me everything right now." James said standing and glaring at her.

"I hate it when you look at me like that."

'like what?' Julie's grandmother said.

"like I am a fragile little flower that might break any minute now. If getting hit by a car didn't get me this won't either."

"Julie tell me." James walked over and put his arms around her. "I know you don't want me to worry but it's part of the package I get to worry about you and you get to fuss over me. It's a fair trade I think." she chuckled.

"I don't know I think I am getting the raw end of the deal you hate it when I fuss over you."

"just like you hate it when I worry about you." he kissed her nose and each cheek. "please Julie no more omissions. Just tell me if were going to make our relationship stronger we need to stop with the secrets." she knew he was right but she knew that he would freak when he found out.

"during my recovery," she cleared her throat and clutched him to her, "my doctor told me that my injuries were not so severe that I couldn't conceive or carry a child but he did say that there was a slim very remote chance that if I did carry a child to term it would cause me back problems that may not go away..."

"and" her grandfather prompted.

"and he also said that giving birth vaginally if there are complications I could be paralyzed from the waist down. But like I said the chances are remote."

"35% I believe he said." James looked at her grandfather with a look that said he couldn't believe this. 

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