Chapter 8

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Mr. Grant finally got them into formation and practice going. In the locker room the girls started gossiping about what was going on.

"come on some one has to have some idea even a little clue what's going on."

"chill will you if it really was so bad they would have told us."

"you really think that?"

"yeah come on if it was bad we might be in some kind of danger they would tell us."

"you go ahead and think that if it makes you feel better. What about you heather you've been really quiet what do you think."

"me I don't know why don't we just forget it."

"you know what's going on." Megan accused. Heather stood and walked to ward the door but two of the girls blocked her way.

"come one guys leave it be."

"no way, you know spill."

"I can't."

"why not?"

"because the principal told me if I did I'd spend the rest of the month in detention."

"come on we won't tell any one."

"yeah right I know better." she could see the faces of the other girls and they weren't going to give up until they knew. "fine but if I go down every one of you is going down with me."

"good, great, spill it." heather told them everything she had seen and heard event he part about Julie being pregnant and her father coming to the school that morning.

"no way! Coach Jones and Julie."

"it's way to freaky."

"but come on it's not hat much of a surprise they have been spending months together. And she's over eighteen so he doesn't have to worry about the cops."

"yeah may be but come on its Julie she's nice and everything but why her?"

"because I'm not a gossiping immature teenager with nothing o do but go to the mall and talk on the phone." they all spun toward her voice. She was mad they could tell.

"Julie I'm sorry they wouldn't let me go until I told them please don't tell the principal.'

"don't worry I won't I've got better thins to do then tattle on you bunch of back bitters. I won't be at practice any longer nurse Wiggs doesn't think it's good for the baby." Julie picked up her bag she forgot and walked out they didn't say anything just got their things and left.

James was waiting for her when she left. He saw that she was upset. He didn't think that it would be kept quiet but this was very fast.

She got in the car and told him about practice and the locker room afterwards. "It'll be nice to have it in the open." James didn't say anything. "James are you okay your very quiet."

"you father gave me a call earlier today."

"what did he want?"

"It seems he wants to talk. I know you don't want to Julie but I think it would be good idea to at least hear what they have to say."

"I know what they'll say and I don't want to hear it."


"No James I know you want what's best but not yet just give me some time to deal with things at school. I'll talk to them after that."

"you can't put it off forever.'

"no but maybe long enough to get them to see that I'm not a little girl to be cosseted. I've wanted nothing but to have them understand me. I don't know if they ever will but they can at least respect me enough to let me live my life." they turned down his street. James saw then before Julie did.

"damn it I told them to stay away until you and I talked about it. Julie I swear I told them not to come by."

Julie saw them and her jaw clenched. "I believe you. But they never were good at listening." when they pulled up Julie got out and just stood next to the car. Her mother was the first over to her.

"Julie why didn't you tell us we had to find out like this. I know we've never been great parents but we are you parents. You never even hinted that you had met someone. Julie we have to talk about this."

"there is nothing to talk about right now. I just want to be able to make it thru the next week of school and then we can talk about this I would have thought about it by then. Please mom just take dad home I'll call you when I can we'll get together for dinner but just leave it alone for now please."

"I'm sorry Julie I am that we were never around but you were right when you said that we haven't been good parents but what kind of parents what kind of people would we be if we just walked away and continued to let you dictate what's going on. No I'm afraid we're going to have to insist we talk about this."

"insist all you want," Julie said walking to ward the house "but do it from the front porch." James just followed her to the house and inside. She shut and locked the door in her parents face. 

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