Chapter 7

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She was in the bedroom she lay there crying.

"James what did you do?"

"nothing just showed him out."

"what are we going to do?"

"what we said we were going to do. We're going to make love and think good thoughts tonight because we have to come back to reality tomorrow. Now lets see where was I headed when he showed up?" James lay down next to her. Julie turned to face him his hands skimmed over her sides and came to rest on breasts. He gently massaged her kissing her cheeks and down her throat. He pulled her shirt off over her head and threw it to the floor. His went next. He kissed down and suckled one breast then the other raising them to aching peaks. She arched wishing their clothes gone she wanted him against her, inside her. He tugged at her jeans just far enough to let is hand in. he stroked his fingers over her sliding in one finger then the next. She felt the tightness get stronger. She unable to just sit there raised her hands to his chest and did some manipulating of her own it wasn't long until he was groaning with pleasure she dipped her head and covered him with her mouth teasing his nipples. Red hot shoots of pleasure shot through hi blood. If he didn't get a handle on things he was going to lose it before he even got inside her. He pulled away and covered her mouth with his. He devoured her mouth. Eating her from the mouth down at least that was what it felt like to her.

"please take of my jeans. Please... please... Do it now." she pleaded arching off the bed. He increased the rhythm of his fingers but she was holding on she wanted him in side her. He couldn't resist a grin. He stood shucked his jeans and gently pulled hers off. She spread her legs. In one swift movement he was inside her and she was coming. His pace was long strong and fast. The reins had finally snapped he had to have her just like this and she welcomed it gloried in the feel of him. She couldn't believe it she was going to come again. He drove deep in her and stopped he held tight to resist coming until she had come again he could tell she was close but he wasn't sure if he would make it or not. Sensing his struggle she retch out and stoked his cheek. Bring his mouth down she nibbled sipping at he fountain of pleasure. Still inside her he smoothed his hand down her stomach until the point where they joined parting her folds he felt her nub he rubbed gently massaged. She broke the kiss and arched into him. He wrapped a finger around her and pulled she broke then a torrent of pleasure. He let himself go right behind her knowing that it would please her.

She held him as he lay boneless on top of her. She held tight and loved the feeling of the love between them he loved her so much and she him. As her mind turned to the problems they would have to start conquering she felt her heart press inn on her. She pushed the thoughts away just relaxing in his embrace. He knew what she was thinking because he was thinking it also. And he like her pushed the thoughts away and just concentrated on the here and the now.

"you know I think that's the first time we made love in a bed." she said then yawned. He chuckled and tucked her close to him so they could sleep. The next morning she got up and dressed her jeans from yesterday and a tee shirt of his. It was loose and comfortable and smelled like him. He was planning on going to see a lawyer to make sure if they had someone try to cause trouble they would be a step ahead. She wanted to stay home but knew that would only fuel the fires. She needed to go to make sure the principal and her parents couldn't say he was some kind of bad influence that he was dragging her down.

"I wish I could go. It isn't going to be easy for you." James said hugging her.

"I know but I won't let them hurt you. I love you too much. James?"


"do you really think that my parents will cause a lot of problems?"

"I think they'll try to do what they think is right. The only thing they'll accomplish making things harder then it needs to be. I'll pick you up after school. I'll wait outside so they can't say anything. Okay?"

"alright." she walked to school like normal but this time it was from a different direction. She didn't pay any attention to her surroundings only thinking about how she was going to survive the day without crying and something else equally embarrassing. As she walked in no one noticed her no one spoke to her. She wasn't sure what she had been expecting but utter silence and the seeming display of indifference. It was if no one knew. May be they didn't but she was sure heather would have been on the phone last night telling everyone what she saw.

Just then heather went by Julie snagged her arm and pulled her close.


"did you tell anyone?" Julie whispered.

"no the principal told me I'd get detention for a month if a breathed a word. Your safe for now but as soon as people find out coach Jones is out they'll want to know why and then it won't be long before everyone knows. Why are you hear I figured you would stay home. You dad was here he was pissed."

"when this morning?"

"yeah he was just talking to the principal."

"shit. He left right?"

"yeah Julie are you okay you look a little pale?"

"yeah I'm just fine I think I need some air though I'll see you in class heather." Julie went out the closest door, she couldn't believe it he was already here stirring up things why can't he just let her alone he has for the last few years why start butting in now? she took a deep breath as the bell rang and headed to class. She kept waiting for some one to start pointing and whispering. But no one did before she new it she was standing in the gym it was time for practice she looked nervously around the gym at the other girls. Heather just stood there, Julie wondered who would fill in for James. It was the junior high gym teacher who came in.

"hello ladies I'll be here for practice from now on. We'll start with your warm ups then coach Jones left some notes that he wanted to start working on you passing. Yes Megan?"

"where is coach Jones?"

"James is no longer working for this school. Now for m your lines and start you warms up." they formed their lines but no one started the warm ups. "what's wrong ladies?"

"what happened he didn't say anything yesterday about quitting that means he had to have been fired but why?"

"it would have had to have been something pretty bad for him to fired over night." another girl said. Julie could feel the blood leave her face. The room began to swim. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"ladies this is a matter for the school I know you want to know what's gong on but trust me when I say no good will come from pursuing this line of questioning. Julie are you okay?" Mr. grant came to stand in front of her.

She tried to shake her head yes but her eyes rolled back in her head and she dropped like a sack of potatoes. the girls rushed forward.

"stand back let her have some air. Julie can you hear me? Some one get the nurse." a girl ran out of the gym. The nurse came in minutes later she uncorked a bottle of smelling salts. Julie came to slowly. Mr. grant and the nurse helped her to sit up.

"Julie are you okay?" the nurse asked taking her pulse. Julie avoided the eyes of her team mates. She took one deep breath then another. But when she opened her mouth to say yes she sobbed instead. The nurse immediately helped her t her feet. "come with me no practice for you today." the nurse led her form the room while speculative eyes followed her. It was already turning in their minds why she fainted. Did it have something to do with coach Jones being fired? If it did then what was it? Even they knew he wouldn't rape anyone he was to much of a goody-goody. But what was it?

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