Chapter 11

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"who are you?" Julie asked, "how did you get in here?" she stood and confronted Bridget.

"I'm James mother who are you?" she said, she didn't remember this girl, then it hit her please god don't' let it be the girl form his school it would not be god if someone found out she was at his house.

Julie couldn't believe it his mother she didn't' know what to do so she just introduced herself. "I'm Julie. James isn't here right now he went about a job."

"about a job? He has a job."

Julie ran her hands through her hair and looked at the ceiling mumbling "James I am going to kill you." she couldn't believe he hadn't told his mother, true it hadn't been but a few days but still it was his mother. She held up a finger , "will you hang on a minute." she scurried out of the room racing for the phone in the bedroom. She dialed James cell and waited for him to pick up. When he did she didn't even say hello, "James you idiot."

"what? What did I do?"

"take a wild guess who is in our living room with no clue about what is going on?" when he didn't answer she continued, "you mother that's who. You should have seen the look of pure shock on her face when she came in and found me. It would be funny if it wasn't actually happening."

"oh shit!"

"what do you want me to do?"

"damn, damn, and double damn. I won't be back for at least another hour I got he job he's getting me started can you stall her?"

"probably but do you want to tell her about us or should I?"

"I don't know if she'll wait till I get there tell her what you feel comfortable with I'll deal with the rest when I get home. I'm sorry Julie I didn't know she was coming."

"it's okay I was just taken by surprise." she said love you and hung up. She took a deep breath and went back out to the living room. Bridget wasn't in the living room so Julie followed the sound of the mixer to the kitchen Bridget didn't' even turn around, "didn't you get a hold of James?"

"yes and unfortunately he won't be home for at least another hour." Julie didn't know where to start.

"How about I tell you what I know and have guessed and you can fill it in?"


"last fall I came to visit my son confessed that he was in his words 'falling' for one of his students. I told him to leave it be. But he apparently didn't listen to me. Now I have put together that it was you that the two of you were found out and he was fired. What I don't know was when It started? how it was found out? and why isn't he in jail?"

Julie took a deep breath and girded herself for battle "he isn't in jail because I' am not a minor. It started just after you went home apparently. And it was found out two days ago one of my teammates walked in on us at the school in the locker room. And just to clarify no one was supposed to be there. I didn't want this to happen but what can you expect my life has always been like this."

"that boy sometimes I would like to spank him like I did when he was a little boy. He should no better then to do things like this." Bridget looked at Julie and shook her head, "this isn't a game my dear he's my son and I'm afraid he's thrown away his whole future for you..."

"look before you get off on a tangent about how James and I should live our lives let me stop you I've had all I'm going to take from people telling James and I what to do we made or decision months ago I won't let someone stand in our way because you think me an immature child and him a simpleton. If your going to get on a high horse and start preaching you can leave now." Julie crossed her arms and waited for Bridget to rebuff her, but all she said was, "well said my dear. Now how would you like to help me finish these muffins." Julie nodded and dug into helping. As they worked Bridget told story after story about James growing up. It was laughing over one of his many exploits that James walked in on them. He looked from one to the other and nearly collapsed with relief. If they were laughing together they were in no danger of killing each other.

Julie realizing they were not alone any longer glanced at the door when she saw James she smiled and walked over to him. "your mother has been telling me some interesting things about you."

"oh really." he said amusement glittering in his eyes. "nothing to bad I hope?"

"of course not. After all I would hate to scare off a potential daughter in law. And I say potential because you my dear have not proposed yet but I told Julie I wouldn't meddle any more as long as I was kept up to date. I don't need to know the specifics but I don't want any more surprises. She shook her finger at the two of them to let them know she meant business. Julie laughed and put her arms around James. He held onto her not really believing it.

"it seems you have had a good day."

"it didn't start out good but it has turned out rather nicely I think. Oh your mother will be staying here with us."

"I told her I would go to a hotel but she insisted that I stay here." James raised eyebrows at Julie.

"it's silly that she stay at a hotel and it'll be easier for her to keep up with what's going on if she's here. And at this point I can use all the allies I can get. I told her all about my parents and out current troubles and she has offered to help however she can."

"that's nice of you mother." James leaned onto Julie and whispered. "did you tell her about our little addition?"

"I wanted to wait until you got here. I wasn't sure how to say it." James nodded and kissed her. He had been thinking all day about Julie he knew there were a lot of things to be sorted out but he didn't want to add to her stress. He had started life with just him and his mother. He had always been dependent on someone else. Julie had always the one who had been depended on so it was a nice twist that now he got to take care of her. He wanted nothing more then to love her show her that she wasn't a mistake. That what they had was real. It wasn't to be regretted. He held her close a fierce possessiveness stealing over him. It happened when ever the though crept in that maybe if he messed up he would lose her and any chance he had at lasting happiness.

"well these are finally done and since they are I think a walk is in order. A breath of fresh air would do me good." Bridget kissed her sons cheek smiled at Julie and walked out side. She headed down the block leaving James and Julie a few minutes of privacy. Julie waited until she heard the front door close then she pressed her lips to James' and slid her hands up his shirt and pulled him closer. His hands wound around her waist seeking and finding the clasp on her bra. He undid the garment and pulled it and her shirt off over her head. Dropping it he grabbed her firm bottom and lifted her, she instinctively wound her legs around his waist. He started for the bedroom kissing her the whole way. James kicked the door shut and laid her back on the bed.

She pulled his shirt off and smoothed silken hands over his chest and down his stomach. It wasn't like the first time this was over flowing with love. It wasn't like the time in the shower with all heat. This time was born of acceptance a melding of more then just flesh or minds this was a joining of souls. Julie knew James was worrying about their future. She tried to show by every kiss and every touch that she was his that no matter the out come of the conflict with her parents and with the school or with his job she loved him and she would be there by his side till the end of time.

He felt her open not only physically but mentally he could feel with every fiber of his being that she was his. He took everything he gave and gave just as much. As they lay spent in each others arms he looked down into her eyes and asked the questions that was rattling around in his mind.

"will you marry me?" it was asked quietly with nopreamble or great show. It touched her heart as nothing else could. With tearson her eyes she accepted and kissed his lips in a show of devotion.  

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