6. Guilty

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A L M I R A' S P O V

This idiot can make a fuss about everything at anytime. Here I am so tensed about what is going to happen next and this dumb idiot is still stuck on his foot. I mean ya it was intentionally, because of him my phone was taken away from me, as if I was dying to talk to him.

But you did text him last night. My subconscious argued to whom I successfully ignored.

But one thing I noticed that for one time he was looking so good in that tuxedo. Uh...I am thinking all rubbish. I need food!

All the guests were congratulating us. What's there to congratulate. My death?

And this photographer is gonna have from me now. Since one hour I am taking pictures and this beloved one who's standing beside me doesn't cooperate at all.

"Rahim please move aside. I am getting crushed between your stupid cousin and you." I gritted my teeth.

"So get crushed." He said simply and innocently that I wanted to dig his grave right there and bury him alive inside.

So I did the only thing which was correct, at least according to me, I jabbed him in his chest with my elbow.

"Aghh. . . Women! We are on the stage atleast have some respect." He groaned in pain.

"When did your lesson of respect go when you asked me to get crushe-" I guess we were missing something how can I die in peace if I don't get cut by someone and this time it was photographer who clicked the picture with flash.

"Hey can't you see that we were talking and we were not ready." Rahim asked the photographer, curtly. Yes that photographer really needs to learn his lesson.

"Oh I hate this photographer." I muttered.

"Me too." I heard a whisper. Atleast something is common between us.

"Now no more pictures. I am tired." Rahim declared. Rude much?

"Anyway one last picture. Just smile for the last one." The photographer insisted. And we both nodded at him.

After all the photo session it was time for the dinner. Yayyyyy. . . Finally something good.

When Mom came and told both of us that it's dinner time I got up as quick as lightning. What? I am HUNGRY, okay?

"Calm down Mira. No need to rush." I heard Mom's clipped tone. "And Rahim bring your bride along with you." She dictated Rahim turning her head towards him.

"Why will he bring me? Allah has given me two legs Ma Sha Allah (with almighty's praise) I can walk." I started walking but someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"Why are you doing all this drama? All the guests are here and if you don't care about your and mine reputation atleast care about our grandfathers and parents. We don't get along is only known by our parents and grandfathers not the whole world. So shut up and walk with me. I am also not fond of touching you. Just for the sake of our parents." He finally finished his stupid and  speech and started walking making me angry at him.

"Mom. Look at him how he is commanding at me. The day of Ruksati has not even passed and he's already scolding at me." I complained.

"I am no one to interrupt between husband and wife's issue." What?!

"Now c'mon bring her Rahim I'll go, Maroosha is waiting for me."

Rahim grabbed my hand and walked oh scratch that people he dragged me because it was so difficult for me to keep up with his pace.

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