18. Mrs. Almira Ibrahim Sayed

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I B R A H I M' S P O V

Now that I have realised the shocking truth it's very difficult to behave with Mira like I used to be. I just can't seem to maintain an eye contact with her.

When you hate someone you ignore all their good qualities but when you are in love, you ignore all the their flaws and accept them however they are.

I have experienced this cause the person whom I used to hate with my whole fibre is the same for I have fallen for.

Previously, I didn't even acknowledge her and constantly nagged about her but now I have started to focus on her good qualities and accepted her flaws too.

At this time, I have observed that she has a dimple on her right cheek and a mole on her left side of the chin.

Such a creep. My brain pipes in.

Hey! She's my wife I can stare her all day long.

This lad is gone.

You are not needed here, brain. Go now. Shoo..

Anyway where was I? Ya her face. Now I've noticed how her jaw ticks when she's angry and her eyes gets scrunched up when she's laughing.

I guess I bored you all from my unwanted crap but that's what love does to you.

Its been two days since we came from Aunt Rizwana's house and I've been constantly trying to avoid the divorce's topic.

Cause now if I just think about leaving her. My mind stops working!

"Uh, Rahim when are you going to issue for the divorce?" Mira's voice reached my ears.

"Uh...Um..." I again avoided the eye contact because I know that if I look into her eyes and I'll vomit the whole truth out.

"Actually I have been meaning to ask you that why are you ignoring me and behaving strangely nowadays?" That's what I was fearing for. I knew she was gonna ask me because I've been ignoring her. I thought that if I start to ignore her I'll get rid of the feelings. But no. The more I ignore her the more I wanted to see her face, listen her voice and be near her.

"I can't give you the divorce."

"Why? What has happened? And why are you not maintaining a proper eye contact with me? Can you please just look at me once?" Yup, she asked me something that I didn't have an answer to respond. Now I am doomed!

"I've been observing you from past many days. You are behaving strangely. You are talking to me nicely and what not! Why? Wait...wait...don't tell me you've fallen in love me?!" Oh God?! How did she figure out?! Am I that obvious?

"No..no..no.. you can't do this Rahim. You cannot fall in love with me. We promised to solve this problem together and get a divorce." She cried out making me jerk back to look at her.

"Now what can I do?! Huh? Tell me? What shall I do? Take my heart out, dump it in the dustbin and ignore all the feelings and let the divorce happen?!" I heaved. I couldn't hold it anymore. It had to be done. It was now or never.

"Please keep your stupid love with you, I don't want it. Now be the old Rahim and continue being the same."

"That cannot happen!" I shouted. "That cannot happen Mira!"

"It can Rahim." She glared at me. "But you don't want to. Why?" She stared me right in the eye.

"Yes I don't want to divorce you! Because I LOVE YOU!" My voice got high at the last sentence. This girl!

"I love you with all my heart. If you ask me not to love you. I'll still love you. If you ask me not care about you out of love I will always and still care about you. Why? The reason is that I love you, Mira. Even the thought of leaving you makes me numb.

Then how can I divorce you? At first, I was also shocked about the fact that I have fallen for you. But now I can't change it even if I want to. Understand me." I finished my long speech, taking her arms in my hold, gently.

"But we promised to get out of it." Her voice quivered with every syllable she spoke.

"Jab tumhe kisi se mohabbat hogi na, tab tum samjhogi." I expressed dejectedly. (When you will fall in love with someone then you'll understand.)

"If love makes you back off from the promises you make then I, Almira Zainab Khan, will never fall in love."

"I'll prove it that to. You'll fall in love, if not with me then atleast with someone else."

"Ha? Dekhte hai." She scoffed at my words. (Let's see.)

"Yes-yes we'll see. I am going for my Isha  Salah, AllahHafiz." I informed her as I turned to walk away.

"I don't need to know about your whereabouts." She snapped at me angrily.

I again marched back to her, "I know what you know and I also know what you want to know. And by the way it's Mrs. Almira Ibrahim Sayed. You seem to forget that, sweetheart." I whispered to her. Giving her a kiss on the cheek I sprinter away from her knowing that even if I stay a single minute here, I will have to face her wrath.

I heard her scream my name in anger as I chuckled walking my way ahead.

While praying, I asked God to prove her wrong. Prove her that I didn't betray her. Even I was happy to divorce her but love is never planned right? It comes in the most unexpected ways.

Asalamwalaikum and hello people!! How was Rahim's speech? Did you like it? Comment about it and let me know and don't forget to vote by clicking on the star icon. Until then thank you, bye AllahHafiz and take care ^_^

Also, do tell me your favourite part of the chapter.


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