29. Challenge

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A L M I R A' S P O V

I didn't know when my eyes fluttered open but when they did, I found myself on Rahim's chest with his arm over myself making impossible for me to move.

How did I end up like that? Curse my carelessness for that.

I tried to remove his hand but he that only made him grip it more tighter.

"Rahim." I shook him.

"What?" He asked groggily.

"It might be Fajr time. I need to get up." I managed to utter and he finally removed his hand around me.

I was finding my phone to look for the time. Where is it now? I searched in the drawers but I didn't get. I saw Rahim's phone so I decided to check the time so I opened it and what I saw was very overwhelming. The wallpaper was mine and Rahim's wedding picture when we both were glaring at each other but in the picture it didn't seem so. I remember scolding the photographer after he clicked it. But what is more shocking is that he kept this picture as wallpaper.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when Adhan (Call of prayer) started. After the Adhan I went to have a bath and offered my salah. After that, I again blew some Verses from Holy Quran at him.

Later, I checked his temperature and I sighed out of relief that he was no longer burning hot. Actually he was fine!

I decided to let him sleep and I went down to prepare breakfast for him.

When I went down, I was bombarded with questions about Rahim's health.

"Calm down everyone. He's fine. I am making breakfast for him now." I announced loudly for them to quiet down.

"How's his temperature?" Asked Aunt Maroosha, worry lines evident on her face.

"It's normal. I checked the temperature it was like the usual." I informed her.

With that said I started making breakfast for him alone in the kitchen. I know he is normal but I am still preparing him something less oily just for the sake of measure. I was done with cooking Rahim his breakfast when someone's hands came around me and I instantly knew who it was.

"Rahim! What are you doing here? You should be in your room. Dumb boy!" I scolded him.

"I was but when I didn't see you around I couldn't sleep anymore so I came down in search of." He spoke in a husky voice and kept his head in the crook of my neck making me very hard to put the contents from the pan into the plate.

However, I managed to do that and turned in front to check his temperature.

"Now you are fine like before." I smiled, relieved that he is back to normal.

"Hmm..." He hummed and dropped his head on my shoulder and hugged me.

"Rahim! Get away from me. Anyone can walk in now!" I protested, trying to remove his hands around me.

"No." He whined. "I am still sleepy." He started rubbing his eyes.

"If you were this sleepy then why did you come down?" I eyed him. "And by the way you look fully bathed and in your suit ready for you work too." I raised my eyebrows at him.

He grinned at me widely which made me somewhat happy even if I denied that feeling.

"Okay, fine you caught me. Now come on feed me breakfast." As soon as he said these words I gave him a bewildered look.

"Kya? Bilkul bhi nahi!" I denied instantly. He is a kid, seriously. "Now you are perfectly fine you can feed yourself." (What? Not even a chance!)

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