27. Vigilance

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I B R A H I M' S P O V

While I was waiting for Mira, after having the soup and medicine, I fell asleep because this headache was killing me and the constant sneezing was not helping too.

I woke up when I felt someone blowing over me. I opened my eyes to see Mira in a scarf wrapped around her head, means she just finished offering her Salah. She was murmuring something and blowing over me.

When her beautiful grey eyes fluttered open. I was lost in them again.

"Oh! You are awake." She exclaimed leaning back, which I didn't like a bit. "I was just reciting some holy verses from the Quran and was blowing on you. May Allah give you health." She spoke softly.

"You are done offering Zuhur Salah (Second prayer of the day offered by Muslims)?" I questioned her.

"Ofcourse it's half past one now."

"WHAT? I slept for how many hours?!" I was screeched. I overslept.

"Its okay you are sick." She reasoned out. "And your temperature hasn't come down." She murmured.

"Hey Mira, why are you sad? It's not like I have died or something." I tried to assure her, holding her arms.

"Don't talk rubbish about dying and all that stuff. Even though I dislike you I can't see my best friend since birth this sick." Ouch. "So now shut your mouth. I have more verses to be recited and blow over you." She commanded sternly.

So I laid back comfortably and I watched my beauty getting all worried about me. She closed her eyes and started reciting verses in a low voice. I was so mesmerised when she did that and blew over me. However, cliche it sounds, I didn't want to end this moment forever.

"Done. Now sleep." She placed her hand over my forehead to check my temperature.

"Hmm...you're still hot." She concluded after removing her hand.

"I know. Ofcourse I am hot since birth." I gave a smug look.

"Shut up you idiot. You have fever and now you're supposed to be sleeping. I'll go make something for you to eat and bring medicine."

"Wait. I already had medicine." I told her helding back and made her sit down.

She pulled the drawer of the nightstand.

"There are no medicines here. The medicine box is in the cupboard let me grab them for you."

"No!" I exclaimed. "My medicine is already sitting in front of me looking so naive yet so sassy." Her face got red due to my remark.

"Stop your flirty comments." She groaned.

"But what kind of medicine is this that kills me only by her one look." I took her hands in mine and moving closer to her.

"You-" She was going to say something when Mom knocked on the door.

"Rahim! Rahim dear! Open the door." Mom shouted from outside.

"You, sit. I'll open it." Mira got up.

I wish I could tease her more.

"How's Rahim?" Mom asked entering in the room.

"I am fine Mom. Chill." I assured her. These ladies are getting hyper for no reasons.

She came and sat beside me where previously Mira was sitting and placed her hand on my forehead.

Why are the woman of this house obsessed with my forehead? First Mira then Mom then Aunt Rahat now again Mom!

"Your forehead is still burning hot. Did you have your medicine?" She asked out of concern as her eyebrows furrowed with worry.

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