A new beginning

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Im taking a shower...downstairs the guys..scott and stiles are in the entertainment area playing call of duty....fighting againts each other....

Hey ....stiles scream at scott

Your dead...scott said smiling

Smiling myself.... brushing my hair... Its been weeks since i talk to derek ...and i still hidding getting much control thanks to the guys and deacon hes a very wise man....who nows..derek still call me and sending messages...im just simple not reply or answer..im not ready to face him and explained

Someone is in the door...I sensed....

Guys.....I said from upstairs

Yeap....stiles said

Someone is in the door...I said

I get it....scott said

Scott standing walking at the door...he open...them silence

Scott....who is it..I said walking downstairs aproching to the door...but I freeze before I saw who wasl it


So here is where you're hiding all this time....peter said get in looking at me

What are you doing here...I said

Stiles get close to me ..so scott in protecting way

Dont worry ...im not here for you....he said smiling make me feel creeps

Then what are you doing here...scott said

Dont be so protective scott....im here because your game drive me crazy....and curious what both are you doing here....turning looking at me

I see now why...he finish said

Your not gonna tell derek right...stiles said

His expression change

About that....peter said looking outside...I need you both of you with me now....he said like and ordered

Why....scott said

My nephew is down.. coming this way...peter said walking at my door turning looking at me

He cant sense her....but he can sense both of you...peter said pointed to them

Stiles look at me...worry same scott

Luna..scott said making peter look at me questioned

Jeannie...stiles said

I put my hand over there shoulders

Ill be fine..go ..peter is right..I begin push them out

But...stiles said

Nothing is gonna happened to my new beautiful... neighbor ...peter said looking up to down at me

Ahh..please.. I said to peter rolling my eye

Watching peter take scott and stiles to his apartment...im closing the door walking to the entertainment area

Oh my god...I said...I see there phones over the pillows on the floor..scott phone had a call from derek...i open my eyes walking at the wind dow..my car is outside...derek is gonna saw it

What I do...well sanctuary is over..I said running upstairs and changed putting a short jean skirt white tan top a transparent shirt over falling my shoulders and flat shoes ..talking about big impression...going downstairs stairs stand in front of my door waiting for derek get in at peter apartment....I sensed...

Hes in....im out..I said going out I walk to the elevator and wait 5 minutes then I turn and walking to peter door

Freedom is over.... I said knocking at the door

Derek p.o.v

Im been try calling you scott...we have a problem...I said walking at him Me..scott said looking for his phone

Stiles....scott said worry

Yeah...stiles said

The phones....scott said making gestures

Oh the phones.....yeah the phones are...stiles said

Suddenly the air star smell a vainilla...I recognize that essence

Find me..make me love you ...again (derek hale love story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now