Free man..

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Derek pov
Thinking about last night..I cant protect her... i cant protect no one...that thing is fast... she dont answer my phone call..make me more anger and worry...something bother her i know I can feel it...
Listened erica and boyd bringing jackson
I have to deal with him first....
What happened to you on the night of the full moon? I ask sitting looking down
What ..nothing...nothing happened. .jackson said
I look at him for a moment
Youre lying..I said putting some pair of black gloves
No wait I can...I can prove it..I tapped myself..jackson said
Isacc laugh...
You taped yourself..isacc said
Yes it was the full moon and maybe while you were curled in the corner having a existential crisis about turning into a monster...I was preparing for the so called gith your big bad alpha promised me and what did I get...nothing. ..jackson said anger looking at me
You want proof let me get the video..jackson said
No..I have a better idea...I said taking a piece of mirror
What is that...jackson said breathing heavily
Erica and isacc knee him in front of me opening his mouth
You know jackson you always been kind of snake...everyone knows a snake cant be poisoned by its own venom...I said giving him a little of the thing paralyze in his mouth
He fall on the floor paralyzed....I signed in frustration aproching at him and bend of my knee
Your still a snake jackson just not the one we're looking for...I said turning trowing the piece of mirror and walk away
You're still gonna have do one more thing for us...isacc said to jackson
Well actually for me...isacc said standing up and leave

Sheriff stilinski pov
So now you're telling me that you didn't see isaac and his father arguing before the murder...I said anger and frustrated
Not exactly...jackson said
Not exactly or no..because when it comes to the law there's a fairly large divide between not exactly and not exactly were sitting in this chair then no would be somewhere in the middle of the pacific ocean drowning next to my career...I finish said very mad
Jackson stared at me
So what it gonna be huh..not exactly or no...I said making him a decision
No....jackson said
Ah crap...I said watching jackson

Jeannie p.o.v
Im in the police to bringing  lunch to my uncle
Hi marcia....I said
Hi jean ..what are you doing here...she ask
Bringing lunch to the sheriff....I said smiling
He need more than that...she said
Why....what happened...I ask
The kid acussed lanhey son came to change the witness information...marcia said
Really...that mean...I said.
I turn when I heard my uncle
Hes free to go the charges have been uncle said walking with jackson
Stay out of uncle said to jackson
I will ...he said looking at me
Jeannie right...jackson said pointed at me
Yeah...hi...I said
Hi...ahhh....see you..he said passing by my side
Ahh..see you...I said walking at my uncle
Lunch time...I said show him his food smiling
My uncle smile at me then look at marcia
Ill be in my office ...he said take the lunch
You really are my hero..uncle said let me in first at his office
Hey someone have take care of you..I said smiling looking around
This are good ...he said eating
I'm learn from the best...I said looking at him..them I freeze
We stay in aproching to him sitting in the chair in from of him
Im miss her...I said
Me too to...he said smiling at me
Changing the subject....
But  starving...and I have work to do...he said back to his food
Your terrible uncle...I said smiling
We talk he told me about the recent cases of strangers murdered unsolved
Jeannie...I have a question ..uncle said
Yeah...I said playing with a pen
Well is more like a suggestion...uncle said
Ok...and all ears...I said curious at him
Do you want to be my assistance..uncle said...
I look at him with shock
your gonna get paid...and I can wacth you can help around..what you think..he finish said
You offers me a job...I said looking at him strange
You can call it like that....he said amused
Ahhh..I dont know..can I travel with you...I said standing looking around
Is it not dangerous....yes...he said
I aproching at him showing my hand
Say hello at your new assistance...I said amusing
Uncle take my hand shaking...smiling
I give the details a marcia to have all ready..then i told you when your star...he said standing up and hugging me
Thanks for the lunch..kiddo ...I have back to work ...he said sorry
That ok...see you at home...I said walking at the door..he a company to my car making sure I get in started the car..and leave
See you at home..kiddo. ..he said stepping back
See you sheriff...I said smiling driving away waived at him picking up my phone and call stiles

Stiles pov
answered my phone
Yeah..I said
Bolinski....jeannie said smiling
Hey....dont star...I sad mad
Love you to...jeannie said confused
Why you calling..I said
Are you moody....jeannie said
Sort of....I said
I see...well I calling you because I was with uncle ..jeannie said
And....I said
Isaac is free to go...jackson changed the testimony..jeannie said
What....are you sure..I said
Im just get out of there...stiles.... jeannie said
Where are you ....I ask
In my going to the aparment...I need something from there...jeannie said driving
Be careful...I said
You to me...ok..jeannie said
I will..i have to go..bye....i said hanging up
Scott have to now...I said running to the class room sitting behind scott
Dude I just talked to jeannie who just saw dad talked to jackson and ive got really terrible  horrible very very bad news...I said
I think  i already know...scott said pointed at front of us.... isaac

Find me..make me love you ...again (derek hale love story) Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora