Protecting the alpha....part2

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Stiles pov

Watching jeannie sitting behind me

My brother now...cora ask jeannie

Jeannie nod possitive

How long your been a wolf..cora ask her again

Since I graduate...from high school..before the fire...jeannie said looking at cora

Wao....who ever knew ....lydia said curious

Well what are we gonna do...lydia ask

I show her a pencil......

Automatic writing....lydia ask

I nod yes ...she taking the pencil ....and started drawing..we all look at her...

Lydia what are you doing....what the hell is that...I ask

A tree....lydia answer

I look at her in disbelieve

A......what....lydia youre supposed to be writing words like a sentence or something like a location something that would tell us where he is...I said desperate

Well maybe you shouldve said that...lydias said

Isnt she supposed to some king of genius..cora said

Genius , yes...psychic no..why you bottter me you should be talking to danny...lydia said

Wait ...what ....why danny...I ask

Because last night, he was the target, but he wasnt a sacrifice...scott said making all look at him

Scott pov

The ring of the school we are out there all follow me and checking my phone

But isnt danny still in the hospital...cora said

Yeah thats where were going right now...stiles said

Ill meet you there...I said

Why..stiles said

Show him a message from allison

In the hospital

Stiles pov

Sneaking inside dannys room

Stiles.....what are you doing....jeannie whisper

Shhhhh....I said standing next to danny

Danny  you awake....danny...I touch him moving him nothing...I slap him in his face...he just grump...and continue his sleeping coma..

Hey leave him alone...jeannie whisper

I have to make sure....hes out....I said looking at his bag

What are you doing...danny said

Im not doing anything, danny....this is just a dream that you, re having...I said

Ill go back looking through his stuff

Why are you going through my stuff....danny said

I up my head....jeanne rolling her eyes on me..I look back at danny

Right but only in the dream remember....dream....dreaming. ..I said head down again

Why I dreaming with you looking into my stuff...danny said

I'm don't know that danny, responsible for your dreams ...i said

Oh god stiles...enough....jeannie said walking at danny

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