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Stiles pov

we still in the abandoned fabric

My phone calling me...

Dad...I said worry answering

She in the hospital...deacon found said worry

How...I ask all star looking at me

I dont now driving said

Ill see you there..I said hanging up scared but relief

What is it stiles...derek said suspecting

we have to go...I said walking at the jeep

Stiles...wait...scott ask

I turn looking all of them..

She's in the hospital...deacon found her..I said

How is that possible...allison ask

I dont know lets go...I said

At the hospital

We all get in looking for her

Dad..I said when I saw him with uncle.

Stiles said hugging me

I look at my uncle..

Uncle..I said

Stiles you grow up...uncle said smiling sad touching my shoulder.. he turn looking at chris walking at him

Bramdom...chris said

Chris....they hurt her..I will...bramdom sai tensed

Now is not the time..chris said putting his hand over his shoulder

Where she is..derek ask worry aproching to us

Dad looking at him first strange..but he answer

I don't know they dont let us see said

We saw Mrs McCall.....

Mom....scott said calling her shes aproching to us

how is ask

Very hurt....unconscious...couple of ribs broken..god really I dont now how she survived..mrs mccall said almost in tears

On the speakers......code blue....code blue they running with machines on the room

Mom was going on...Scott ask

I have to go...she looking at the door worry the medics get in

Jeannie...I said hurt pointed at the room

There loosing her...she said turning running back to the room

Flaskback end...

Stiles pov

Sitting in the living room talking to myself...watching jeannie smiling again in the kitchen with scott...

Its been a rought summer...jeannie was in a coma for almost a month the video evidence vanished...but I relief..I belive it was uncle trying to keep her safe.. for what she is..what really happened there I dont know...theres only one person to know...doesn't want to talk at all....her...she acting like her memory was erased....but something in her eyes tell me ...she nows...more than we now..

Shes been stayed with her in beacon hills...he want to take her back to boston...away againg..she doesn't mention it... but I hope shes stay...

Find me..make me love you ...again (derek hale love story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now