The vision

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Derek pov

Looking around...everything was black..

jeannie where are you...I said

Here ..she said walking at me

Jeannie...I said

You dont love me..set me free..she said

I that..I said

Why...she said touching my face

Because...I...I star saying

Its to late...he got me...she said turning back falling dead on my feet

Make me jump of the bed..This time I feel pain....her heart racing...cant been to long since the feeling of lost...since paige...but this ...nothing cant compre....

I need to see her..I said looking the clock taking my phone a message from her......

Im so sorry please forgive me....

Getting out of the bed looking for a jacket..the keys..

Walking upstairs going to my car..getting in driving at her house

Im parking 2 blocks away walking at her open..I get in founded her bed empty...but I heard her heartbeat...the next room....stiles...I sit in the border of her bed..anxious. .

What are you doing here....stiles said standing in from of her door taken me out of my thoughts

Stiles...I said tired

You came to see Jeannie....stiles said curious

Im just looking at him...

Come on ...stiles said walking at his room opening the door getting inside...I follow him standing in the door...she was in his bed sleeping

Get in..she not gonna wake....stiles said

Why ..I said walking at stiles bed ..watching her..

Her hair down in cascade..covering the pillow..her respiration low almost breathing..

I gave her something for sleep..I dont think is gonna work but she need a rest..stiles said walking at his bed standing by my side

Reason..I said looking at him

She star having nightmares again...I now when shes having it ..she always came to my room...sleeping with me.. she doesnt like to be alone.. people said what anyone have nightmares..but not like her..believe me..i saw them...becoming true is scared me...stiles said getting closer at her and moving a hair from her face

She really mean something to him...the way he protect her

What kind of nightmares...I ask

That the problem ..she doesnt said...and is killing me..I try everything ..derek ..everything she doesn't let it out nothing....stiles said

There most be something...I said

Stiles looking at me seriously

What happened last night derek....stiles ask

Taking me off guard

What you mean...I said

She was crying in her room...I dont now something telling me you was the cause...stiles said looking at her

I look at her..breathing hard..guilt

Stiles..I star said

I knew it...stiles said moving his hands

Find me..make me love you ...again (derek hale love story) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now