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"Let's get an update on her dad" he spoke to a nurse, his eyes directing to my leg.

"Okay Holland- the worst parts are completely over, now we're just basically cleaning and stitching" He spoke, taking my hand for a moment, Hemmings wiping my tears gently.

"We're going to start by cleaning your road rash, due to it being so open- it'll sting a little, but we're going to clean it, numb it and wrap it, it won't be unbearable" he spoke slowly.

I gave a small nod, feeling him squeeze my hand before looking to a doctor who entered.

"Doctor Hood, you're assisting?" He spoke, never letting go of my hand.

"I can" the doctor nodded willingly

Why weren't there any girl doctors?

After discussing for several minutes exactly how to do it all- they both looked to me.

"Do you think you could stand?"

I wanted to stand.


They brought me to what looked like a permanent room, Luke staying with me the whole time.

"You have morphine in your system so you shouldn't feel any pain, so tell me if you do, okay?" The main doctor spoke, making me nod.

He held my arms, helping me to a standing position, I felt no pain.

I looked to his eyes- seeing him smile

"Medicine does amazing things, doesn't it?"

We took slow steps to the bathroom where we soon all stood in the shower- this was one of the weirdest things that ever happened to me.

I finally looked to my leg- seeing blood still running, my actual meat of my leg showing.

"Thats disgusting." I mumbled, grabbing Hemmings for more support.

"It's best that you don't look" the doctor mumbled as Hood handed him a pair of gloves, putting his own on as well.

"Do you want to start with your leg, arm or side?" He asked quietly.

"Up to you" I mumbled, seeing him slowly nod.

"We'll do your arm, side and then leg, okay?" He spoke quietly, making me nod.

Hood held my arm gently and as soon as the liquid they had hit my arm I felt stinging.

I squeezed Hemmings tighter, letting my forehead hit his shoulder.

"Okay a little poke" Hood spoke as I felt the familiar pain of a needle.

Soon I felt wet gauze being placed over the area of my arm before being wrapped carefully, no one speaking.

"And that's it, not too bad, right?" The main doctor spoke, making me hum lightly.

Hemmings took the wrapped arm, holding it to his own boy, and I relaxed into his hold, knowing there wasn't much more for me to do.

I felt the water hitting my side, making me tense once again, no longer caring that I was barely dressed in front of them.

I soon felt the needle before they slowly placed more gauze, making sure they stayed.

"Last one" the doctor spoke, both looking to my leg.

The leg hurt significantly more than the other areas.

I felt a tear fall as Hemmings held me tighter into him.

After several minutes it finally stopped and I was more than thankful to feel the needle and wet gauze.

"Okay Holland, you're almost done." Good spoke as the other doctor wrapped my leg carefully.

"The nurse in the doors name is Micha, she's going to help you change and help you into bed while I go get updates on your dad and Hemmings prepares your echo" he spoke, making me nod slowly.

"Thank you" I spoke slowly, seeing all three of them look to me.

"Don't thank us"

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