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The guys walked us all to where my dad surprisingly parked well.

They put my dad in the back, Luke sitting in the drivers seat and I sat in the passenger.

I looked into the cup holder, seeing two beers, both empty.

Luke exhaled, shaking his head lightly before taking them to go throw them away.

Michael and Calum hugged me tightly.

"It's just a phase" Calum told me slowly.

"He got his first taste of freedom since the wreck, he won't take many more. Call us if you need anything at all- even just to come over and talk to you, okay?" Michael finished for him.

"Thank you" I exhaled, hugging them again.

Soon we were driving, myself giving Luke directions to my house.

"I'm really sorry-" "stop apologizing" Luke spoke.

"You didn't drink, you didn't drive, you were healing- like he's supposed to be. Don't blame yourself for what he does." Luke spoke quickly, making me slowly nod.

We soon got to my house, Ashton and Luke helping my dad inside, where the living room was a total wreck.

Pictures of my mom scattered across the floor and table, alcohol bottles everywhere, the tv and all of the lights were on, it was insane.

"It's not normally like this, I swear" I spoke, turning the tv off quickly.

"Holland" ashton spoke slowly.

"Your dad may be going through some depression- which he doesn't need to drink alcohol during." He explained to me slowly, making me nod, because I understood, he would become addicted.

"Just, try and keep the alcohol away from him, call us if you need help." He spoke, hugging me quickly.

"Thank you" I exhaled, looking to my sleeping father.

"Please don't be scared to call us." Luke spoke into our hug.

And then they left.

And I started cleaning.

I washed all of the dishes that he didn't wash.

I picked up all of the pictures, putting them where they belonged before returning the alcohol back to their cabinets.

I exhaled once it was clean, thankful that it wasn't too much.

I covered my dad up, putting Tylenol and water in front of him for when he woke up before going upstairs.

I showered, getting out and throwing on sweatpants and a t shirt.

I went downstairs to decide what to cook for dinner, seeing my dad rubbing his head.

"Hey" I mumbled, seeing him look to me.

"I'm so fucking sorry." He spoke simply.

"Just- don't do it again, you never drank before, don't start now."

"I promise, that was the one and only time."

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