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I woke up in bed between Ashton and Calum, Luke out cold at our feet and Michael barely hanging onto the edge of the other side of Calum.

So no one made it through the movie night.

I sat up slowly, desperately needing to pee, but not knowing how to get out,

After planning in my head for several minutes, I ended up carefully standing and stepping over Luke, holding onto the bed frame until I found myself on the ground.

I went to the hallway bathroom, handling my business before washing my hands and drying them.

I looked to a clock on the wall, seeing that it was three in the morning.

And suddenly I heard a pager.

Within twenty seconds I saw Luke on his feet and running.

Him and I made eye contact as he ran towards the stairs.

"Heart transplant, wanna come?"

And that's how I ended up at the hospital at three thirty in the morning, wearing huge sweatpants and a school shirt with no shoes, only socks.

"Chief" Luke called his boss as I watched him prep for his surgery.

His boss walked up, eyebrows raised.

"This is Holland-" "Gomez- I remember her case" he smiled, making me lightly smile back to him.

"She's staying with me for a little while, just so her dad can adjust, do you think she could watch the transplant from the gallery?" He asked, I could tell he was hopeful.

The chief looked between him and myself a few times, seeming to lean towards no.

Then he sighed

"No other doctors are here, so keep it quiet, but yes. I'll walk you up there." He spoke, making me smile.

Luke hugged me tightly, kissing my forehead.

"Good luck" I smiled to him.

"I'll see you up there," he smiled back.

The chief and I walked in unison, talking quietly as he led me to an elevator and through multiple hallways.

"So Luke is taking you in-" "no" I laughed lightly.

"Luke's just basically babysitting so my dad can have time to himself." I mumbled.

"Did he remember anything else?" He asked me.

Never forgot.

"Yeah- I think he's pretty much back to normal."

I wish.

He walked me into a gallery where I could see straight down to Luke and a patient with several nurses and interns.

"Sit wherever you like, this will last a while so if you get tired, you can leave, but Luke can hear everything you say, so tell him first." He laughed to me.

"Thank you for this." I spoke.

"I hope to see you working in my hospital one day."

I sat in a chair in the middle, hearing Luke speaking to the nurses near him.

"He's asleep" the anesthesiologists spoke.

"Scalpel please" Luke spoke, immediately being handed one.

But before he cut, I saw him look to me

"Ready to watch magic, pretty girl?" I could tell he was smiling through his mask.

"I'm ready"

And from that point on, I was in awe.

Luke explained almost every step, taking me through the reasons why he needed a new heart and where he was getting a heart from.

I watched as he put a brand new heart into this mans chest.

"Now we have to see if it beats" Luke spoke, as nurses turned off a few machines and we all almost held our breath.

After a few touches from Luke, it was beating.

"And a successful heart transplant." He spoke happily.

I smiled with them, seeing someone sit beside me, making me look away for a second.


"Why are you here so early?" I asked, looking straight back to Luke.

"It's six in the morning, I come to work at this time" he spoke.

A three hour surgery

That felt like thirty minutes.

"I can tell you're in an awe" he spoke, putting something into my hand, that I didn't pay attention to.

"It's so cool" I mumbled, watching Luke stitch the mans skin back together.

"Like the man didn't have a heart- but he was alive" I laughed, smiling to Calum.

"Seems like you might find yourself in medical school in a few years." He spoke.

"I second that" Luke spoke, glancing to us with a smile.

"Come on- it's over, let's go eat in Luke's office." Calum spoke once Luke finished stitches.

"I'll be there soon" Luke smiled, making me stand, realizing Calum had put a muffin into my hand,

I walked with Calum to Luke's office, where we joined Ashton and Michael, who were eating


We all ate as she ignored her food, walking around with so much energy, on a clear surgery high.

She explained almost every step of the heart transplant to us, her eyes wide.

Luke getting her into the gallery was probably one of his best decisions.

But we needed her to eat.

"Okay, princess" I laughed as she spoke about how he stitched the woman up.

"We love that you love what we do, but you have to eat." I spoke, watching her grab her muffin before sitting in a chair in front of Luke's desk.

"Can I do that again?"

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