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I took her with a nurse back to her room.

Whatever the fuck happened- fucked her up.

She still hadn't stopped crying, she wouldn't let my hand go, she was more than alert and begging for attention.

As soon as we got her into her room- Ashton went completely confused.

"What the fuck" he spoke, knowing she wasn't supposed to be awake- or crying.

"Long story" I quickly briefed- not exactly knowing what happened myself.

"Holland, stop crying, you're okay" I assured her quietly.

"Why did that happen to me?" She cried out, holding both of my hands, leaning into my hold.

"Tell me what happened to you, princess" Ashton chimed in, sitting beside her in bed, throwing an arm around her, making her lean into his hold.

"I-I just ended up with my mom, we were waiting on my dad and it was like- real fucking life, I could feel her touching me, I literally felt her breathe on me as she kissed my head one time- and then she started talking about giving my dad a break and that's when I remembered that she was dead-" she said all of that in one breath, making me stop her.

"Calm down, you're okay" I assured her quietly, wiping her tears gently, watching her nod to me, trying to calm herself down.

Once she was breathing okay, she spoke again "I thought I was dead, but she told me I wasn't- she told me I was dreaming and that is was like sleep paralysis, but I wasn't awake- I don't know how to explain it" she spoke slowly, finally actually calming down, which relieved me.

"And it freaked me out- I didn't know whether to believe her or not. I swore that I was dead because I could literally feel everything, like I was hitting walls- breaking mirrors, I even pinched myself and felt it" she spoke slowly- and I knew what this was, it was sleep paralysis.

"And I continued to freak the fuck out, and I just wanted out- I didn't want to be in there anymore, but that caused my mom to start flipping shit, she was ripping her hair out- screaming at me-" I saw tears invading her vision as she spoke to us, Michael and Luke entering as she spoke quietly.

"She kept telling me that everyone was dead- she kept ripping her hair out, running around me and screaming and I couldn't do anything to stop it" her voice cracked as she told us.

"And then I heard Luke's voice" she spoke, making Luke perk up.

"So I followed it and I don't know what happened, but I woke up, and I'm so fucking thankful" she exhaled, a tear slipping down her cheek as she spoke quietly.

"Sleep paralysis" I spoke to Michael, filling him in on what happened.

"I'm sorry" her voice cracked.

"Why are you apologizing?" Ashton asked.

"I'm pretty sure I gave everyone in the OR a heart attack" she spoke quietly.

"You did, but we wanted you safe- so waking you up was the best option"

"Why did that happen?" She asked again, making me look to Michael.

The medicines have caused crazy dreams before- but I've never heard of this.

"I guess your body just had a crazy reaction to the anesthesia" Michael spoke calmly, sitting by her feet.

"I don't want that to happen again" she spoke quickly.

"Yeah- me neither, which is why we're monitoring your vitals as you sleep tonight" she spoke, glancing to the clock on the wall- which showed one in the morning.

"Are you feeling okay?" Luke asked her calmly, making her slowly nod.

"I'm dizzy, but I assume it's all of the medicines" she spoke quietly.

"You have a lot of medicine in your system" michael admitted.

"A lot of medicine that you need to sleep off" he finished slowly- stretching out himself, falling onto the couch slowly, getting comfortable.

"You're staying?" I swore I saw her eyes water as she looked to all of us.

"We certainly are not leaving you after all of that" I spoke, taking the cap off of her head, carefully pulling her hair out of the loose ponytail.

Slowly everyone in the room started calming down.

We got an extra bed moved in, which we gave to Michael due to him being the one with two surgeries in the past six hours, Luke and I shared the couch and Ashton stayed in bed with Holland, who didn't seem even slightly willing to let him sleep anywhere else

But it worked


I held her tense body, knowing that all she wanted right now was to be comforted.

I felt her body relaxing and then immediately tensing again, telling me that the medicines were trying to put her to sleep, but she was fighting it.

"Go to sleep, the monitors will go off if something is happening" I assured her, making sure all of her monitors were hooked up correctly.

"You promise you'll wake me up?" Her bloodshot eyes looked into my own.

"I promise you."

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