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I held my tears.

I let him stitch everything he felt necessary as I sat silent.

Irwin spoke to Hemmings quietly- nothing I focused on.

"can you check her eyes for me?" Irwin asked, making Hemmings immediately stand, pulling a light out as he came to me.

He held my head gently, flashing the light in my eyes, making me squint.

"She's responding much better." He spoke, sending me a small smile.

"And you're done with stitches, so now you get rest" Irwin spoke, placing a bandage over some stitches he put in my leg.

"Can I wait until my dad comes out?" I asked.

I saw them look to each other.

"That could last all night sweetheart" Hemmings was the first to speak.

"You have some intense medicine in your system- I suggest trying to sleep for a little, he'll be here when you wake of course" Irwin chimed in.

I gave the smallest nod.

"I'm going to send Doctor Clifford in to check your hip once more before we all leave for the night, do you need anything at all?" Irwin asked.

"I'm okay, thank you though" I spoke quietly.

He sent me a small nod.

"Push the nurses button if you need anything, okay?" Hemmings spoke, grabbing my hand to give it a small squeeze.

"I will, have a good night"

"You too sweetheart"

As soon as they left I let the tears fall.

I covered my face with a blanket on the bed, crying into it.

I should've put my damn seatbelt on
I should've demanded that we both stayed home

I should've told him I loved him once more

I gained my composure- knowing Clifford would be here any minute.

I wiped my tears, exhaling- planning to have a full mental breakdown as soon as I knew everyone would be gone.

Just as I stopped crying- the doctor who popped my hip back into place entered with a small smile

Doctor Clifford

"Hi sweetheart" he spoke cautiously.

"Hi" I mumbled back, sending him the smallest smile.

"Can I check your hip real quick?" He asked.

I gave a small nod, letting him move beside me, pulling the sheets down.

I grabbed the bed railing as he gently touched my hip, feeling the area.

"You've got a lot of swelling, I'm going to keep cooling rags on you all night- a nurse will come change them every hour; but nothing other than that" he spoke, moving to a cabinet, pulling the familiar rags out.

As he carefully placed them he spoke

"Need to talk?" He asked slowly, his eyes meeting mine.

I looked to him, not speaking

"Eyes don't just puff up and turn red for no reason, why are you crying?" He questioned slowly.

"I want my dad" my voice cracked as I spoke.

Sympathy flew across his face.

"Your dad's strong- he's held on through all of this, he's doing that for you" he spoke, making me swallow the lump in my throat.

"And as soon as he wakes up we're going to be able to tell him about how strong you are and how much you held firm through- how you barely even cried, how you stood after I had just popped your hip into place" he spoke, pushing hair out of my face.

"He's going to be so proud of you, I promise you"

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