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one week later.

I officially have had the worst day of my life.

I started my period this morning

So I dealt with extremely painful cramps and no medicines all day due to my dad not going to the store like asked multiple times.

But you can't go to the store with no money.

I failed two tests

I was given ass tons of homework and now I was walking home in the rain with nothing but a rain coat.

And I didn't even want to go home.

After a super fast walk home, I immediately went and showered due to being soaking wet from the rain.

I changed into shorts and one of Luke's shirts that I had managed to somehow steal after spending the night with them.

I ran downstairs, looking for food and settling for ramen noodles, because that's all we had due to our budget.

As I ate, my dad entered with brand new alcohol.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked him slowly.

"The liquor store" he spoke as if I was an idiot.

"We don't even have money for real food-" "shut the fuck up," he immediately spoke, making me look to my noodles.

"You're an ungrateful piece of shit, I wish you would've never came into my life!" He yelled, finally making eye contact with me, his eyes so dilated it almost had no color.

But yet, the tears swarmed in my eyes.

"Oh you fucking titty baby." He spat before quickly throwing the rest of his liquor on me, making me gasp, immediately standing, searching for something to wipe my eyes with.

Liquor and eyeballs don't make the best combination, it actually burns quite a lot.

Just as I got a towel and wiped my eyes with it, he pushed me against the counter

"Dad" I sobbed out, just wanting him to stop.

I'd go to my room and never speak to him again if he wanted, I just didn't want this right now, today was bad enough by itself.

"You fucking titty baby, beg me." He spoke, putting his hands around my throat, holding me firmly, making me panic.

This wasn't just alcohol, he was on some sort of drug now.

There's no way this was just alcohol.

"Why shouldn't I choke you to death right fucking here?" He spat to me.

"I'll leave" I managed to choke out, feeling his grip loosen.

"I'll leave and never come back" I coughed out.

I felt his body move away from mine.

"Ten minutes, get your stuff, leave and don't come back."

So I ran.

I grabbed everything worth value.

I grabbed clothes, my phone was dead, but I grabbed it anyway, along with anything else I needed to survive and I ran out the front door without another word.

I wasn't going back.

So I walked in the rain.

I didn't know my way to the boys house.

But I could get to the hospital, and they would be there in no time.

So I walked through the darkness and rain, praying that the hospital walk would be faster than I expected.

An hour later I walked into the hospital dripping water.

I avoided nurses and doctors, going to Luke's office.


Calum's was locked

Michaels was locked

And so was Ashton's.

I found myself wandering, looking for anything warm.

The clothes in my bag were soaked, I was freezing and wanting nothing but to eat and cry.

I found myself in the OR's gallery room.

The only place that was decently warm.

I sat on the floor, trying not to shiver as I looked down to nurses who were prepping for another surgery.

"Doctor Clifford will be in any minute."

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