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"Do you have everything?" Luke asked me, making me panic.

"I don't know Luke- you're stressing me out" I whined to him.

It was midnight, we had to leave in thirty minutes and Luke was stressing every person in this house out.

"How do you not know, I gave you a list of stuff you needed to pack-" "I packed the list, but what if I need something that's not on the list?" I asked him quickly.

"You won't, trust me." He spoke, grabbing my bag quickly and leaving my room with it, leaving me looking around my room for anything I may need.

"Hi" Ashton spoke, entering as I looked around.

"Hi" I smiled.

"Is Luke getting on your nerves too?" He laughed lightly.

"Not getting on my nerves, but stressing me out, yes" I laughed to him.

"Sit." Ashton spoke, patting the bed.

I sat beside him, feeling his head hit my shoulder

"What are you doing?" I laughed, but yet I let my head rest on his.

"I am trying to bond, but yet extremely tired." He spoke, making me smile.

And we ended up sitting like this, talking quietly for a good few minutes.

And then Luke ran in

"What are you guys doing, we have to leave in like ten minutes and you don't even have shoes on-" "shoes take two minutes to put on, if that" Ashton spoke back, a smile on his face.

"We're going to miss our flight and it's going to be everyone's fault-" "Luke, go sit in the car!" I heard Michael yell making him roll his eyes.

But he left the room

"Is he okay?" I laughed to Ashton

"He hasn't slept in twenty four hours and he's a nervous flyer, all of that is just building up in him"

So I decided to comfort

I left the guys, putting on shoes and running outside, seeing Luke in the passenger seat.

I opened the door, getting a confused look from him

"Occupied" he tried to joke as I climbed in with him, sitting on his lap and holding him, feeling his arms wrap around me

"I'm sorry I'm so stressed, I just hate this-" "and you're tired." I spoke to him quietly, feeling him nod.

"I don't want shot gun anymore!" Luke yelled as the guys came out the house, Michael immediately calling shot gun causing Calum, Luke and I to climb into the backseat together

"Hawaii, here we come"

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