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"Yes, one day you can, but only if you eat." Luke responded as he entered the room, making her immediately take a bite of the muffin.

"You started the day early" Michael laughed time him.

He exhaled, nodding lightly.

"But thankfully I don't have any other cases, just paperwork, so once Holland gets tired, I'll nap with her and finish paperwork" he spoke.

"I have a feeling you're going to struggle to make this one tired."


It was an hour later, I was laying in the residences on call beds, begging her to lay down with me, but she was sitting up, steadily asking questions about the transplant.

"What would you have done if the heart wouldn't have beat?" she asked.

"Shocked it, perform basically open heart CPR" I told her.

"And if that wouldn't work?" She asked.

"After trying that a few times for about twenty minutes we call a time of death" I spoke, making her eyebrows move together.

"What would cause a heart not to work?" She asked.

"A lot of different things" I told her

"Sometimes the recipients body rejects the organ, sometimes the valves don't work or just little mistakes that fuck everything up." I spoke.

She nodded slowly, rubbing her eyes slowly.

"It's a lot to take in, isn't it?" I asked, seeing her smile to me.

"It is" she mumbled, finally laying down, facing me, making me pull the blankets over her.

"Can I stay tonight too- I just want to make-" "you can stay as long as you want, Holland, you don't even have to ask." I told her, feeling her body almost relax as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I just can't stay as long as I'd like to"

"Why not?" I asked her

"I gotta make sure my dads okay." She mumbled.

"Your dads a big boy, he isn't checking in on you." I told her.

"I know, but he's my dad and I'm a paranoid person, so I'll go home for a few days and if you're still up to it, I'll come back."

So we agreed on that.

I woke up to Calum.

"It's lunch, I can take her for a checkup before we eat." Calum spoke, making me nod- knowing she needed one.

"Holland" I mumbled, squeezing her a little tighter, feeling her shift in my grip.

"Come on, check up and lunch time."

She groaned and complained, but she complied.

It was just me, Calum and Holland, and we started with what made me most nervous.

Her weight.

"Scale please, pretty girl" Calum spoke,

"Okay, hear me out" she mumbled, glancing to us.

"I know I've lost weight, but at first i wasn't really trying to eat, I've started though, so it may be bad, but I'm working to get it up again and you have to trust me with that." She spoke.

"We trust you sweetie, we just have to get the number," he spoke, making her step on it.

"One hundred and one pounds exactly." Calum spoke.

Not as bad as I expected, but not great.

She let Calum check all of her vitals.

"How's the medicine Ash put you on?" He asked.

She nodded slowly.

"I still have dizzy spells, but I haven't passed out or anything." She spoke.

"Well I'm just realizing this, but you passing out also most likely had some contribution from malnutrition." He spoke, making me nod slowly in agreement.

"But, you said you're working on it, so I'm going to trust you and hold you to that." He spoke, typing on the computer.

"But you will have a check up in two weeks and I want at least a two pound weight gain, but come in on an empty stomach so we can be sure you're actually gaining weight and it's not just stored foods." He spoke, making her nod with us.

"But I am prescribing you an antidepressant." He spoke, making her eyebrows move together.

"I'm not depressed." She spoke slowly, making Calum turn to her.

"There's different phases of depression, and most people who are actually depressed don't know that they're actually depressed." He spoke to her slowly.

"You falling out of love with soccer, always feeling tired and not wanting to do anything but go home is all symptoms of depression." He spoke slowly.

"Or that I have no energy from the food-" "we will see, okay?" He spoke to her slowly.

"I'll put you on it for a month, then we will have another appointment and if you totally hate it, I'll take you off of it and we will assess from there." He spoke, which made her agree, slowly nodding her head.

"And that is all, pretty girl" he spoke, taking her hand to help her step down from the bed

"Can we have another movie night tonight?"

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