Chapter 18

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Chapter 18- Rule of love.

Aisha's POV

Ding! Dong!
The bell rings and I keep the sheet of paper to open the door. Aliya hugs me till my bones shouted, 'Get off! I'm dying!' I hug her back and pull away. "Salam Alaykum! I miss you so much, I didn't know you were married."

"Wa alaykum salam. Miss you more, the marriage just happened. Come in dear." She steps in and smiles at the beauty of the house. The same expression I had. Omar walks down the stairs in white long-sleeved tee and a denim jeans. "Wait, You married Omar Malik from highschool! I saw it in the papers, I thought it was a different Aisha Ahmad. Wow, what a surprise and I'm so happy you found your Mr Right. Alhamdulilah." She whispers.

"Salam alaykum." She wishes him. Mentally biting my nails, hoping that he replies her. He gives her a welcoming smile and replies, "Wa alaykum salam Aliya. Nice to meet you again after 7 years. How's the family?"

"Alhamdulilah they're all good. Masha Allah you two got married afterall. I guess I was wrong about you. May Allah bless your marriage."

"Ameen." We both reply and he looks at me before kissing me on my forehead. I lead her to the dining table and she mutters, "I can tell it just got hot in the room, from your appearance. This guy loves you." My cheeks flush as i look down at my appearance. I'm dressed in an oversized hoodie and shorts, my hair tied in a messy bun. She seats and I seat next to her with Omar by my side.

"So are you married?" I ask.
"Oh not yet! I'm still focusing on my job and I don't think I'm ready for marriage yet."

I nod and feed Omar who's still playing the 'My arm's broken' card. "What's your job?" Omar asks.

"I'm a Lawyer, figured out that I love supporting the less privileged and have a flair for all those stuffs. So I decided to be a lawyer. How did you two reconcile after what happened in highschool?"

My hand stiffens and before I could answer, Omar responds. "She came for an interview and immediately she stepped in, my heart froze. At first, I thought I was imagining it but as time passed, I fell deeper. I knew it wouldn't work because I had hurt her. I felt guilty and apologized, she accepted and we became friends. Long story cut short, we started afresh and she completely changed me. I don't know how she did it but it happened and I proposed. She accepted and here we're married." He stares into my eyes, his eyes full of fake love and guilt that I knew fooled Aliya. But deep down, I wished he apologized for highschool but I know that it's impossible.

Time seems to fly fast, Aliya leaves and I'm left to deal with my husband. I clear my throat as he walks off. "What?" I look at the dishes and back at him. He sighs and rinses a dish and washing it with soap and sponge. I leave him and go to the bathroom for a shower.

My mind wanders to the kisses in the room, irritated and angry that I couldn't resist his stupid acts, I wash my body hardly. Trying to wash off his touch and sweet smell. "Why did I have to be an idiot?" I ask myself. You fell for his games once, don't do it again. The pain on left arm breaks me from my thoughts. The red liquid flows and leave little droplets on the floor. I put my hand under the shower so the warm water can wash away the blood but too bad it doesn't wash away the pain I got from intense scrubbing. "I won't fall for his games." I assure myself.

Stepping out, I find him dressed in shorts and black undershirt. His wet hair indicating that he just showered. After dressing up, I wear a long hijab and he wears appropriate clothes to pray. After prayer, he recites Surah Imran and I recite Hadid. I turn off the lights and he breaks the silence. "Your friend is kinda hot. Slim, curvy and all that."
I roll my eyes but of course, he couldn't see me.
"But don't worry, I like my fat wife better."
                        •  •  •  •
I walk downstairs to find Omar making pancakes. "Salam alaykum. Good morning." He greets not even looking at me. "Wa alaykum salam." I greet him back. He turns to face me and the light flashes. I smile at the photo I just took of him holding a pan with an apron round his waist. "Delete it!" He orders.
"Nope." I say popping the p.
"Oh! I get it, you just want to have a pic of me. So you can crush harder."

"Ha! You wish because you're so ugly when you look in the mirror, your reflection looks away."

"We're not gonna get started with the insults are we? Just seat so I can serve you." I seat and watch him place pancakes on my plate and completes it with strawberry syrup.

After breakfast, I washed up and we both go to the living room and turn on Supanatural. It's actually the first film we've both agreed on, literally because non of us are watching. I bring out my sheet of paper and read out the rules for any adjustment.

"Marriage should last for six months. Is this okay?" He continues tapping his phone and completely ignores me.
"Ouch!" He yelps from the pain of being pinched by me.

"We all get it that you want to touch me, but how many times do I have to spell it out for you? YOU'RE NOT MY TYPE!"

"Can you stop being a cocky jerk? We both know that you're good at that." I roll my eyes.

"Do you want to also know what I'm good at?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
"An idiot? I know that already. Just give me your attention and not the misery of you being ugly. So six months?"


"Why?" I ask.

"I've my reasons hippo." Not in the mood to argue, I change it to seven months and go to the next rule.

"You get to take me to work everyday, instead of you dumping me in a cab."

"And you should never tell anyone that all these things are fake."

"You know I'm not stupid right?"

"I thought you were." He smirks and brings out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.
"Nope, you're not doing this!" I snatch it away from him. "Next rule, no smoking, drinking and having sluts around! Can't you just be a good Muslim for once?" I'm sick and tired of him smoking and drinking. I throw the pack in a bin and face him.

"Just try being a good Muslim, please." He doesn't reply me, nor does he glare at me. His face just had this blank expression. "You can't change me, don't even cos it will be useless."

"I can't change you unless you decide to change and I will assist you. There's nothing Allah can't forgive, seek Him and He shall listen to your wails. Do you know the kind of people Allah likes the most? Not the ones that don't sin but the ones that sin and beg for His forgiveness." I place my hand on his arm.
"I will give it a try." He gives me a warm smile that I return. "But you gotta admit that when I puff out smoke, I look sexy." I laugh at the cockiness that makes him Omar Malik.

"One cooks and the other washes."
"Why don't we just maids to do the jobs?" He suggests.
"If we get maids, we're bound to be caught in our little acts. This is the only place where we get to be the real us, let's keep it that way." He nods when he understands what I mean.

"One last rule, don't fall in love with me, because I won't reciprocate the love." He says.
"As if I would. You're the last person on my list."

"We both know you want this." He gestures at his body.

"If laughter is the best medicine, your delusion must be curing the
world." I burst into laughter.

"Let's just hope you don't because this is merely a business transaction." I sign of the paper and he signs. Not wanting to shake his hand, I just nod and stand up.
"Aisha!" He calls as I walk out of the living room. "Ignore me all you can but just get ready!"

"For what?"

"For the real game to begin cos this was merely a warm up exercise."

What does that mean?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and click on the star.. Stay blessed!

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