| 37 | - a night with jimin

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jimin looks up at me, almost surprised as i take his hand in mine. we walk beneath tall trees, all the leaves are already fallen off, the trees are all naked as you would say. we're both wearing big warm coats to keep the freezing temperature out.

i give jimin a small smile squeezing his hand a bit before i look at the road in front of us again. i know he's a bit surprised because i just took his hand, it's the first time i do it in the public. i've of course looked to see no one in particular is looking at us together.

jimins hand is extremely cold so i lift it up to my mouth, i put both of my hands around his and i breathe onto it, trying to breathe some warmth into it again.

i soon start giggling at my action and so does jimin when i look at him again.

jimin: "what are you doing?" we both stop walking but i still hold his hand up to my mouth, i notice he's wearing the ring and that just makes me so incredibly happy.

jungkook: "i-i'm trying to warm your hand." i giggle but then put his hand down, leaving it to him.

jimin: "aww, thank you." he moves close to me, he brings his arms around my waist burying his head into my chest and he breathes heavily.

i put the all the anxiety and fear for getting caught away and just let go and put my arms around him as well, enjoying the moment as it is.

jimin: "i love you so much." he mumbles into the jacket, and almost can't understand what he says, but i know it.

jungkook: "i love you." i give him a peck on the top of his head, his hair. his hair smells really nice as always, a nice, not strong scent of shampoo that i really like.

the wide smile that is plastered onto jimins plump light pink lips is just so bright and genuine. he looks up at me with so much affection and love that i can't help but give him a just as big smile back.

i'll be sleeping with jimin today, which actually makes me a little nervous for some reason. the fact that we'll be sleeping in the same bed for a whole night. but i'm excited at the same time to just have my hands around his small body the whole time.

it's actually really comforting that jimins parents are as sweet as they are, i feel so welcomed and home when i come to their house. and they're always so nice to me, and him. they really know how to make people feel good and comfortable. they're just spreading a genuinely good aura around them.

jungkook: "are your hands still cold?" i ask looking down softly at his cute face.

jimin: "i bit, but i'm fine."

jungkook: "sure? i can always warm them again."

jimin: "mhm." he nods, "i can't believe you're really holding around me in public." he happily says and my heart starts fluttering just by his words.

You're not straight ✔️ | jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now