Clinton's new boy

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*Clinton POV*
**TW: mention of self harm**

I found a new boy for me. my bro got Christian, I have Pat. he helped Christian come out, date and now marry my brother. but he asked me out. he's really sweet.

he asked me out by a taco cause I really love tacos. I said yes. it's been 5 years and he's my longest relationship. every date I had, lasted a week. he really makes me happy.

Mitty noticed I haven't self harmed in 5 years and he's proud. he knows I did it because I haven't had a steady relationship and that's why I drank so much.

I drink once a month now and I feel happier. I hope he proposes soon because omg he's fucking cute ahh. Christian noticed huge change in me. I felt happier and got sober a bit and I haven't done self harm.

Pat and I go on a date every Friday and Saturday. Friday is taco date and Saturday is movie date. he's the nicest guy you'd want to date. he treats me right because he saw how I was treated in a relationship.

I was having a movie date with Pat when Mit comes in our house. I looked at him. "you okay?" I asked. "you look scared."

the conversation went like this

(M=Mit, C=Clinton)

M: dude I'm scared
C: why?
M: Christian said he's pregnant
C: guys can't get pregnant and you probably pissed him off by running over here

Mit went home to comfort Christian and I continued to have my date with Pat. we watched this really funny movie and his laugh was so cute. we kissed and continued to cuddle.

he knows he's the best thing that happened to me. I can't wait to spend forever with him.

It started as a kiss. How did it end up like this?Where stories live. Discover now