Chapter 1

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Nina POV

It's the last day of school. May 28, 1976 12:55 pm. Someone had a boombox and they're playing the song by Aerosmith, "Sweet Emotion"
A car is passing and they're rolling a joint, as I turned some guys were playing frisbee. I kept on walking and this convertible was passing by slowly and as I was looking they had long hair, it looked like they just finished a beer and they tossed it out the car. What a phony I thought to myself.
I walked passed the wood-shop class and this guy was drilling holes on a paddle he was making.

I went back to the parking lot to grab something I forgot. "Bogus." I said to myself and i was walking to my car.
I was about to pass this smoke filled car where there was a boy with shoulder length hair and this girl who was smoking a cigarette with long hair. I think they were a couple. Some other guy with long but not that long hair said, "Pickford, you stoner!" He had an attractive voice so I turned to look at him. It was like a weird moment man, the second I turned he looked my direction.
I turned back around and kept walking to my car but i heard him say, "hey who's the new girl?"
I have long hair so I used it as an excuse to turn around again as I flipped my hair. He was a fine boy.
I got to my car and I got what I joint. I got out the car once again and I took my lighter out to light the joint. I took a hit and I was about to pass the smoke filled car when some guy with long hair said to me, "hey man, you cool?"
"Yeah man. Got my doobie, thanks." I said with a head nod.
"Hey what's your name? You're new here aren't you?" The girl asked me.
"Yeah I am and I'm Nina." I said casually.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Michelle, this is my boyfriend Pickford. That's Slater and that's Pink." She said as she point to each one of the guys she named.
"Good to meet you guys too." I said with a slight smile.
"You party man? Pickford having a party tonight you should come through man." Slater asked me.
Pickford added, "yeah man, there's gonna be three kegs!"
"Only three?" I chuckled.
"Yeah man that's all I could get." He brushed off his shoulders.
"I'll come, but I'll bring two kegs. That way it'll be a real party man." I said as I took another hit of my joint.
"Oh shit really? That's amazing!" Pickford said in excitement. He then added, "You should ride with Pink after school. We're going to my house to have a smoke sesh, you should come and that way you'll know where to deliver the kegs man."
"That's cool but I brought my car." I said pointing at it.
"You can take it home and I'll pick you up. I can follow you home." Pink said to me with a smile.
"Okay sure." I said looking at him with a smile. I then said, "hey where's the office they said to go in there with someone and they'd give me their schedule since it's the last day."
"I'll take you. Come on." Pink said with a smile.
We started walking and it was a bit awkward man.

"Hey where'd you come from?" Pink asked as we were walking.
"From Houston. I guess my parents got promotion and we had to move here." I said to him.
"Oh that's cool." He said.
"Yeah. The people here look way better than over there. In Houston it's all rich people and they're all stuck up. Here there's everything and it seems that every group gets along. Well as I've seen so far." I said smiling looking at him.
"Yeah, everyone gets along here. All the jocks, the geeks, the populars and any other group you can think of all get along. There's been fights here and there but other than that it's all good" Pink said with a chuckle.
"Oh wow. That's good that every group gets along." I said.
"Yeah, it is. So they said they'll give you some else's schedule?" He asked.
"Yeah, they might give me yours." I said to him.
"That's great. That way I can show you around and so you can meet all my friends." Pink smiled.
"Haha alright." I chuckled as we walking into the office.

"Hello you must be the new student! Welcome!" The old lady told me then added, "Randall, are you two friends already?"
"Yes ma'am we are." He smiled widely.
"Alright, then. Honey, you can have his schedule. I'm sure he'll gladly show you around the school and classes! Have a good day love." She said as she smiled at both of us.
"Thank you." I said as we walked away.

"Cool she did give you my schedule." He laughed.
"Yeah. I told you." I laughed as well.

We're walking down a hall. We see Michelle Pickford and Slater.
"Hows it going?" Pink asked Slater.
"It's fixin, to be going a lottttt better." Slater said as he popped something in his mouth then gulped water at the fountain. After Slater said, "So what time tonight?"
"Around nine or ten." Pickford said. Slater answered, "Alright."

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