Chapter 8

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We're on our way to Houston and it's like a two hour drive.
Slater had rolled a joint but we finished it.
"We're almost here guys!" I said with a smile.
"Finally. Feels like forever." Pickford said.
"Yeah man, but I'll be totally worth it for them Aerosmith tickets man." Slater said shaking his head.

We pulled up to my friends house.

"We're here. Looks like his parents aren't home but he is. Let's go?" I said and asked them.
"Yeah." They all said and we all got out the car.

I rang the doorbell and seconds later he opens the door.

"Nina! You're back!" He said as he hugged me tightly.

"Hey Kelso! No actually, I came for a favor." I said as I pulled away from his hug.
"Kelso, these are my new friends from Austin. Just met them at school yesterday." I said as I introduced them.
"How they treating you Nina?" He questioned looking up and down at all of them.
"Good. They're amazing people." I smiled and laughed.
"That great." Kelso smiled then added, "And what shall I do for you? The favor." He chuckled.
"You know how you guys are gonna go see Led Zeppelin? Well do you still got those Aerosmith tickets?" I asked.
"I sure as hell do have them. There's 13 sweet front row seat tickets man." He chuckled.
"Can I take them off your hands?" I smirked with a chuckle.
"What's in it for me?" He said mischievously.
"Get bent. You're seeing Zeppelin! Come on please, remember that one time I got you those tickets in New York to see Queen! You owe me one man!" I said as I blackmailed him and threw it in his face.
"You little blackmailer!" He chuckled then said, "you guys come on in and I'll get you this tickets." Kelso said as we walked into his house.

"I'm only giving you guys the tickets because Nina is my favorite person ever. If someone had asked I'd have hold em no." Kelso laughed as he handed me the tickets.

I counted them and said with a bigass grin, "13 sweet tickets. Thank you Kelso!" I added as I hugged him.
"Aw no problem Nina! Hey, how's it like over there?" Kelso asked.
"Honestly, I dig it man! It's way better in Austin. Better school and better social groups." I smiled.
"Bitch'n. Thats dope Nina. I hope you do well." Kelso smiled.

"Thanks, Alright you too. Don't get caught up in the wrong group too you feel? You're the best athlete at the school. Don't let those airhead get in your head. If they do call me and we'll mess with them." I smirked.
"Haha like last season. That shit was hilarious man! You probably made them shit themselves. It was that bad that the fuzz was looking for you." Kelso said laughing.
"I was macking the whole time man. The fuzz kept me overnight but gave me a warning. Nothing major." I laughed and added, "Alright man, well thanks for the tickets! And have fun seeing Zeppelin." I said as we started to walk out.

"Oh Nina, I broke up with Catalina." Kelso said to me. Notice the guys are still next to me and they stayed there.

"Oh really? She's such a square. You'll find someone soon. And if you don't focus on yourself." I smiled.
"I was thinking maybe now you and I can try us out." He said grabbing my waist.
"Get bent Kelso. You're such a juicer." I said as I pushed his arms off of me.
"Lets boogie now Nina. You know we're meant to me." He said smiling.
"Take a toke Kelso. Plus that was the beginning of junior year. Go find yourself a Stella. We gotta get going man. Take care and thanks once again." I said as we started to walk to my car.
"Is it because of this guy? I seen the way he looks at you." He said point to Pink.
We all turned and looked at one another then laughed. We continued to walk to the car and we jumped in.

"What a scooby man." Slater said.
"I know he's a goof." I scoffed and we left Houston and we're back in the highway.

Pickford said in a mocking tone,is it because of this guy?" And Slater added mocking as well, "i seen the way he looks at you."

"Hey Get bent." Pink said with a laugh and added, "what was the deal with him anyways?"

"Weber been friends ever since first grade. And at the beginning of junior year he asked me out on a date. So I said yes, we had a date at our favorite hangout place. It was great you know we had a good time and we talked and made fun of people passing. He had said how he always wanted me and how we'd be good together. I was like okay I never thought of us that way but we can try. Then we didn't talk for a few days and one day at school he walked into class with some girl, his ex Catalina." I said and I looked at their expressions. They were priceless. I added, "we stopped talking for a while. He kept trying to talk to me but I just ignored him. Then one day he was sitting alone so I sat with him. I wasn't even mad at him because I knew the type of guy he was. I've know this guy my entire life you think I was gonna fall for him? Hell no." I laughed.

"That's bouge man." Slater said.
"That's a bummer. But hey you did what you thought was good for you right?" Pickford asked.
"Yeah, it was funny and weird. His girlfriend hated me because she thought Kelso was with me too. She tried to make rumors about me but I shut her up faster than you can think." I laughed.

"Oh yeah? How? Tell us." Pink smiled.
They all started to chant, "tell us tell us tell us!!!"
"Fine! Okay. So during lunch, every grade class have lunch together. Freshmen sophomores juniors and seniors. So a friend came up to me and he said 'hey that Catalina chick is make rumors about you. Saying you were hooking up with Kelso.'
So I asked him, 'where is she?' And my friend with a smirk said, 'Nina what are you gonna do?'
'We'll see when I see her. You coming?' I said to him. "I wouldn't miss this for anything."
So I went up to her and she was with her little gang. There was 4 of them. So I told Catalina, "heard you said a rumor about me? What's up with that?"
"Someone told me in the ear that you made out with my boyfriend." She said
I told her, "idk how many times I have to tell you this, but Kelso and I are friends and we've never done anything together let alone kiss. Plus if we'd kiss he'd be with me right now. You know that too." I smirked to her. She was completely mad for no reason.
You guys know what this bitch did? She had a wholeass cup full of water and threw it at me. She even pushed me. That's heated me up real quick.

"Ooohhh you little bitch. I'm gonna kick your ass!" I said running up to her and we both fell to the ground. People were yelling out FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.
She was somewhat strong but I was stronger than her. I sat on top of her and started to punch her in the face. She punched me in the arms and was pulling my hair. So I told her, "punch me bitch. Stop pulling my hair!" I punched her so much she was bleeding man. And someone got my hair and lifted me up it was one of her friends. But I grabbed her hair, knocked her down sat on top of her and started to punch her too. The other 2 girls were shocked.
So they were both laying down bleeding and crying and I said to them, "I hear one more fake fucking rumor about me, you'll catch another mad Nina. And now you know how I am when I'm mad."
Her 2 other friends were just standing there in the front of the big crowd and I said, "you guys wanna go to or what?"
"I'm not kidding they ran faster than a kid who sees candy." I said to the guys as they're laughing and completely shocked.
"The crowd was mostly seniors and juniors. The girls went to the nurse and they obviously narked on me. I didn't care anyways it felt good beating them up for what they did." I laughed.

"Did you get in trouble man?" Slater laughed.
"Yeah they suspended me for only 3 days." I laughed.

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