Chapter 6

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As we hopped into my car which was Pickford, Pink, Mitch and Slater, the song "Rock and Roll All Nite" by KISS was playing and we cruised to moon tower.
As we pulled up there was a truck with a keg of beer on its tailgate. The Simmons statue was right next to it. There was also 2 large speakers blasting music.

We were walking minding our own business when one of Pinks friend was about to get in a fight so we all ran up to see what was going on.
The other guy was so close to him as if he was gonna sock him.
"Clint it's alright man, he's okay." Pink said to the guy.
Clint calmed down and slowly walked back to his group. Clint then yelled, "okay geek, I'll be watching your ass!"
Mike, Pinks friend, just walked about with his other 2 friends.

Slater Pickford Mitch pink and I went to go climb the water tower.
"I can't believe you've never been out here." Pink said to Mitch.
"Never have, why do they call it the moon tower anyway?" Mitch questioned as we climbed it.
"In the 20's they built it to stimulate the light of the full moon. So it's like the people around here have a full moon every night of the year" Pink said.

Pickford added, "they haven't repaired anything since the 20's so be careful, some of the steps are about to give."

"This place used to be off limits. Some drunk freshman fell off the top about 10 years ago and smashed his head on a crossbeam." Slater said and added, "it's a cool view though, good place to toke..."

We finally got to the top and saw the view of the town.
"Look at this whole fucken town. It's completely dead." I said.
"All those idiots that go off to their little boring jobs and then drive home to their little cubby holes to watch tv and await death." Pink added.
Pickford said, "if you're not careful enough, that could be any of us in a few years."
"Not me man." Pink said still looking at the town.

Slater lighted up a joint ad wandered into another society. He then said, "Think how many people out there are fucking at this very time."
I seem Mitch staring down to the people at the beer bust.

We climbing down the water tower and we're finally off it.
Julie and a group of friends walked up to us. Julie wanders next to Mitch.
Mitch said, "hey you wanna go over there and get a beer?
"Sure. Did you ride out here with them?" Julie asked him.
"Yeah how bout you? You got a car?" He asked her.
"Uh huh, blue Camaro." She said as she pointed to it.

Anyways. Pink and I walked over to his other friends. It was Benny and Don.
"Piiiinnkklkk." Don said.
"So here's the story: if we ever get busted, we tell them we found it out by the river." Pink said.
"Yeah right down the path." Benny said.
"When did we find it?" Pink asked.
"Early this evening, as it was getting dark." Benny answered.
Benny said to Pink, "and I can smell the reffer on you a mile away boy. Coach is right. You are running with the bad crowd again." Mocking him, Don said, "attitude adjustment." Benny said, "priorities."

"I just wanna know who narced on me. I mean why else would he single me out huh? It's not like I'm the only athlete in our school who parties." Pink said kinda frustrated.

"Ahh don't worry about it. Fuck what those coaches think." Don said.
This whole time I'm just hearing them talk and drinking my beer.

We went near a truck where Michelle Pickford Slater , some random stoner, Pink and I sat in a circle and we were passing a reefer. The song "After the Goldrush" by Neil Young was playing. We weren't talking at all until the stinger said, "this song is about aliens."
"Of course man! This country was founded by people who worshipped aliens- George Washington and them. They were all part of some cult." Slater said.
"George toked weed too man. He grew it at Mt. Vernon." The Stoney added.
"Sure." Michelle said.
"It's true man. He thought it'd be a good cash crop for the southern states. The man was a visionary. And here we are, tokin to his vision 200 years later." Slater said smiling as he did a salute with the joint ad he passed it.

Pink and I left the circle and went to where Cynthia Jodi kaye and tony were.
We were talking about how nothing ever goes on in the town. Pink said that what if nothing even happened anywhere. And he had a point.

"Lets go get another beer." I told Pink. He smiled and said, "Sure."
We walked and we were walking closer together.
We're walking but Pink leads us Into the woods. He stops and we're face to face. He smiled at me so I smiled back. He then leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back. I pulled back and just started at him for a few seconds then I kissed him and we were making out.

Not gonna lie man I was enjoying it and so was he because he started to get handsy.
I pulled back again and asked, "so how would you define yourself: more of a jock, stoner, or a smart guys like tony and mike?"

"I can't only be one thing. I'm just trying to get by painlessly as possible. How do you define yourself?"He said and asked me

"That's good. And well I'm like you. I don't have a specific category. I go where my mind takes me. That's how I get by." I sort of smiled.

"That's a great way to think. Now I'm definitely gonna stick by you. So I hope you don't get annoyed by me." Pink said smirking then leaned in to kiss me and we made out once again.
We left the woods and we back to the group. This time, Pink was holding my hand. So most of the girls were staring and I'm sure they were jealous.

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