Chapter 5

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We had joints and beers with us as we were cruising in a suburb neighborhood and Pink mischievously notions me to pull over. He grabs a trash can and said, "stay near this side and gun it."
The car peeled out and at top speed Pink released the trash can and completely destroyed someone's mailbox.
"Woah man!" Pickford said.
"Shit- yeah!" Pink said in excitement.
"That was amazing." I laughed. Then we all laughed together.
Mitch and Pickford roll down the back windows and Pickford said, "let's get one of those over there."

I pulled over and he got a beat up trash can and he said, "floor that motherfucker!"
I floored it and he hit another mailbox.
"Alright!" Mitch says.
"Hell yeah!" Slater says then added saying to Mitch, "you should throw that bowling ball man."
"You think?" Mitch asked.
I said, "yeah man, it doesn't fit anyone's hand anyways."
I'm flooring the car and Mitch just randomly tossed the ball out and it went through a windshield of a parked car on the street.

"Shit man...someone's car." Pink said.

Pickford said, "man that bowling ball said ayyoooooo  to that damn windshield.

"Some poor slobs gonna come out tomorrow morning on his way to work and..." I said and we all began to laugh so hard.

"STRIKE!" Slater said and we began to laugh even harder.

"Hey man we have no more beers. We need a quick and easy stop." Pickford said. "Um were also out of cash."

"What you're gonna steal it man?" Pink asked.
"Nah I got it all staked out. I just need someone to look out." Pickford said and looked at Mitch, "Come on I need you to stand by the door."
"Have it running and ready to go." Pickford told me.
They got off and went to the store.

"Hurry up man get in!" Pickford said to Mitch as he was getting in. They both got in but some d man comes up and has a gun pointed at us...well me.

"Don't move or I'll shoot ya!" The man said.
"Pickford give the beer back." Pink said.
"Don't worry about the beer man. I really paid for it." He said to him.

The man said, "you busted my mailbox didn't ya?"
"I don't know what you're talking about man, but-" I started to say but he cut me off and said, "tamperin with mailboxes is a felony offense. I don't called the police. I think you boys and girl, needa get out the car, nice n slow."

Slater said to us, "what do we do?"

Pink put the beer near the gear shift in a way that it couldn't be seen by the guy with the gun. He slowly shifts the car into gear.

Pickford then said, "what your gonna shoot us for something you think we did?"

"I don't think, I know. I seen you." The guy said.

I was trying to reason with the guy and I said, "sir were still not quite sure what you're talking about but you better put that gun away before you get in some big trouble. There's laws against this kind of behavior you know."

"I got witnesses! When the police get here we'll let them figure this out." The guy with the gun said.

There was so much tension, Pink said under his breath, "just go, before the cops show. What's he gonna do, shoot us?

"No he's gonna shoot me and Pickford." I said to him. "Whatever, is it in gear?" I asked Pink. He nodded yes.

I floored it and the car peeled out. we all screamed in excitement but the man was shooting at us.
"Duck!!!!" Pickford said and we all ducked as I turned the corner of the street.

"Motherfuckers shooting at us!" Mitch said.

We went back to the Emporium.

Pickford was telling don and wooderson about the guy that shot at us.
Elvis walked up to us and said, "how about a sixer of Schlitz."
He reached into his pocket and pulls some cash out. He looks over to Mitch and handed him the money to go into the store. Mitch was hesitate but he ended up going.
As he was in the store we went inside to see and play pool.
Minutes later Mitch comes back in and hands Elvia the beer.
"Alrightttt." Elvis said as he got the beer and passed of to wooderson.
"I got your change." Mitch said reaching into his pocket.
"Nah man forget about it. What's your name again?" Elvis asked.
"Mitch." He said. Elvis offered him a beer but he was hesitant. He took it either way.

I guess the found another freshman that's friends with Mitch and they were gonna lick him with the paddle so we all went outside and stood by our cars.

"I dedicate the first lick to your mother...fucker." Obannion said. Me kept drawing his board like 2 times. And on the third right as he was gonna hit the kid something dropped on him. Then the kid said something then ran away and obannion was soaked in white paint. I guess two other kids were on top of the building and this was all planned by them.

He was physically humiliated and embarrassed. He walked over to where we were and he smashes his paddle on the ground. He hopped in his car and he sped off. Everyone howled and laughed so hard at him.

"There's gonna be a bear bust at moon tower. Let's all roll man." Wooderson said.

We all hopped into our cars

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