Chapter 7

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So Pink and I were holding hands and we've seen Mitch and Julie getting cozy.
Don yelled, "Mitch!"
Mitch was just looking around. Then Benny said, "that's right!  You freshman!"

C'mere boy! We need to have a word with you." Don said. Mitch looked nervous but he came up anyways.
Don says, "look at him, little Casanova."
Mitch just grinned a little.
"He's got that little shit eatin grin on." Pink laughed. Don added, "what did I tell ya? Huh."
"Not bad for a little freshman."Pink said.

"Whatever man." Mitch said somewhat bothered.
Benny asked, "I just wanna know are you gonna be fuckin her later or are you gonna be a little wimp?"

"How do you know I haven't already?" Mitch said trying to act all cool.

"Shit, boy get out of here!" Benny said.
Don added, "son, I think it's passed your bedtime."
"You should catch a ride with her if you can. Tell her we left you and you don't have another way." Pink told Mitch.

"Yeah, see what happens." Mitch said. Pink added, "you better get back to her."

"Yeah you guys take it easy. And Pink, get back to Nina." Mitch said as he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Give us a full report in the morning." Don said.

We walked and there was so much commotion. So we ran to where it was. There was a fight. It was that one guy Clint and Mike. I guess mike went up to him and punched him.
"Move it!" Pink said as he's trying to break up the fight, also Benny and tony helped break it up.

Minutes passed, Pink and I walked away.
Slater comes up to us and says, "hey man, lets go smoke a joint on the 50 fucken yard line!"
Pink asked, "you down?"
"Totally." I said and we walked to my car and drove to the school.

It was Slater Pink Benny Hudson and I who were there.
Pink, Benny and Hudson were intimidating the coach and mocking what he does during practices. It was pretty funny.
Pink went off and said, "people we can't get out there and play for ya. And if I could I wouldn't win by two points. We'd win by 20 points." He scoffed and added, "as have you noticed it's these same fools that are always saying, people, these are the best years of your life. They told me that when I was your age and I didn't believe it then. But now I see they were telling me the truth if I only knew then what I know now." He said that in an intimidating tone.
He then said normally, "I just want to go, yeah, if you're a dumbfuck, it just might be the best years of your life."

"Really." Benny said.

"If at any point in the future I start thinking of these as the best years of my life, remind me to kill myself." Pink said.

We left the football field.
The sun was rising. It was about 6 am.

Slater is in the back seat sleeping.

"Hey, wanna go to Houston with me to get those Aerosmith tickets?" I smirked.
"Hell yeah." Pink smirked back.
"Should we take Pickford? And his girlfriend?" I asked.
"Yeah let's pass by his house.." Pink said.
So I drove to his house and it looked like he and Michelle had barely gotten there.

"Wanna come along with us to get those Aerosmith tickets?" Pink asked them. 
"What do you say babe?" Pickford asked Michelle.
"I'll pass. Sorry baby, you can go." Michelle said.
"Alright. Let's go to Houston." Pickford said as he got into the back of  my car.

I drove off and we're on a highway. Slater finally woke up and Pickford was rolling a joint. They fired it up and Pink turned up the volume on the stereo and then he turns to look at me.
I look at him, smile then look back at the empty highway.
This was the best day/night I've ever had. I've met so many people and I've already made memories here. I was sure everything would be fine in this town.
Not even back home was I This happy. As I'm driving I'm thinking to myself I'm glad that I walked past that smoke filled car.

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