The Brothers Mate Chapter 1

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Gale P.O.V

'Hey Miles can you smell that?' I mind linked my brother, I'm in the gym about to start PE.   

My brother and twin, is in English 'wow! It smells amazing.  Can you tell where it's coming from?' he replies. 

'Yeah! Meet at the back of the school' I tell him.  

I run out of the side exist before the teacher enters the gym.  I sniff the air as Miles run's around the corner, "wow! Gale it must be our mate we have to find them quickly" Miles says sniffing the air.   

We follow the scent just into the woods and move some branches aside of a large bush. 

"OMG, she is beautiful" we say together.  Even with her hair looking like it's got half the forest stuck in it and the only thing she is wearing is a dirty t-shirt.  She is still breath takingly beautiful. 

I lean down and pick her up, she weighs next to nothing.  Then our wolves start to cry and howl, we look closely at her and she has deep wounds around her ankles, wrists and neck. 

"We'll kill the bastards that chained her with silver" we growl. 

Miles sniffs her neck "she's not wolf, but not human either by the burn marks the silver left" he states. 

"Come let's get her to the pack doctor, go and get the car and park it as close to the trees as you can" I tell Miles. He takes off fast for our car.

 'Doc we need you, we've found our mate, but she's in a bad way' I say over the pack link.

'What is the worse injury' he asks. 

'She's been cuffed with silver around her wrists, ankles and neck' I tell him I hear his hissed breath. 

'Be there in five,' I close the link and jump in the back of the car with her as Miles takes off down the road.  Thankfully traffic is light as this time of the day and as soon as we get on pack lands Miles floors it and we speed to the medical centre.  

We run in with her and place her on a bed.  I hold one hand and Miles has the other.

"Where did you find her?" the doc asks 

"Just inside the woods, outside school" I tell him.  

First, he takes her blood pressure and listens to her heart. "I think the silver has been in her system for a long time. You can hear her heart is beating a little erratically, "it's gotten better than when we first found her" I tell him.  

He sets up and IV and then looks at her, "what is that? It?" Miles shouts.   I put my hand over his holding our mate's hand stopping him.

"I think it would be easier if you take her into the shower and wash her. Then I will treat her wound's, just be careful around her neck that one seems to be the worst" he tells us.  

Miles picks her up and I open the door to the bathroom wheeling the IV stand with us.  Miles holds her on his lap while I take the edge of the t-shirt and start to pull it over her head. 

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but this is to help you at the moment. It's nothing sexual" I tell her as I pull it off and throw it on the floor. 

I growl when I see the bruises and then close my eye's trying to calm my wolf.  Miles and I shut down our emotions as much as we are able and wash our mate.  We have both stripped and got in the shower with her.   

We carefully wash her and wash her hair.  We see the water turning red as her wounds open even with us being as careful and as gentle as possible, they are so deep and burnt.  

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