The Brothers Mate Chapter 5

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Silver P.O.V

 I wake up to the shrill of an alarm. I groan and try and cover my head with the pillow. 

"Sorry Princes, my Dad says he wants us in his office in ten minutes" Miles tell me.  

Gale pulls me closer to him. 

"Gale wake the hell up, Dad wants to see us" Miles say loudly as he can to wake him. 

He growls at him but sits up. My mates have bleach blond hair with blue grey eyes and strong feature's. There about six foot 2 and still growing with muscles that people spend a fortune trying to get. 

They let me go in the closet to get some clothes, which I take into the bathroom to get dressed. They grab some and pull them on.  I'm wearing a pair of their underpants and a green summer dress. 

I've finger combed my dark wavy hair. That is all I've done. I walk out the bathroom and see that Miles has thrown shorts on and a blue tee.  Gale has pulled on jeans and a black tee.  

We walk downstairs and to their Father's office.  They take a hand each and walk in. Their Father is sitting behind a large wooden desk.  He only looks to be in his early forties but he could be a lot older than that. 

The guards and his Beta make room for us to stand in front of the desk. 

"We have heard from the scouts we sent out to the location you said you escaped from Silver. There is still action around there and they believe there is three prisoners.  We will be heading out tonight, so we can hit them around 3 am.  I called you here because, I thought the prisoners might recognise you and be more willing to follow us back here so our medical staff can help them?" he says. 

I swallow as image after image plays through my mind. Get a grip Silver, you can shift again and you've got Lizzy.  After my little mental pep talk. I look at my mate's Father and nod. 

"We are going too then" the twins say together. 

"That is why I asked you here.  I knew you wouldn't be able to let Silver go without you. The scouts have managed to take out their traps and relayed their security so we don't trip anything. We head out in an hour" their Father instructs and everyone starts to leave the office. 

"Silver, if you would like to stay back until we have then contained no-one will think less of you" their Father says. I nod and squeeze the twin's hands.

"We need food Dad, so we will see you in an hour" Miles tells him.  

We head out and go to twins suit. Gale starts making some sandwiches and Miles get some soda and fruit. When we sit at the table to eat.

Gale clears his throat "Silver please stay close to us. I wish we could mind link" he says.   I smile at him and nod hoping to relieve some of the tension I can feel coming off of him. 

"If we see Derek, let me Dad handle him, please" Miles adds. 

I have to swallow the bile that raises up into my throat. 

"I know he hurt you badly, Gale and I will have to hold ourselves back from ripping his head off. We think though that he has the mate bond too only a lot less as he's human. It is the only thing that explains why he knew you were our mate" Miles tells me. 

I nod I'd thought about that too after meeting the twins. I can't eat any more and take my plate to the counter and wrap it up and place it in the fridge. I sit down again and open my soda and drink half of it hoping it will take the burn from my throat.

We cuddle on the sofa watching or staring at the TV until it's time to get ready. Their Mum has left some dark clothes for me to carry. I find some elastic and place it around my ankle then place the clothes in it. 

I shift before we leave the pack house as we are not mated yet the twins find it hard for me to be naked in front of other people.  I walk down the stairs and the pack members in the common room all stop what their doing to watch me walk through the room to the front door. 

The twins walk out first then I follow as we couldn't all fit through the door. The fighters that have just stripped move away a little and cover their junk.  I chuff finding that very funny. 

'Jewel are you ready for this' I ask my tiger. 

'I'm good Silver, sorry I was so weak while we where captured' she apologises.

'Not needed Jewel' I assure her. 

 The twins Alpha Father stands in front of us "be careful out there and watch your back and your pack members backs" with that he shifts shredding his shorts. 

The twins strip and shift. We run to the southeast and only slow down then we walk through and up the river.  The Alpha growls and we stop. 

Another wolf comes out of the trees and they mind link which gets the wolves all growling and  their hackles stand up.  Gale and Miles rubs their snouts against my shoulders.  I lick them both then we start to fan out and surround the wooden shack that hides horrible horrors underneath it's floor.  

I sniff and smell one of the hunters.  I push on Miles shoulder to move to his right Gale follows we slink through some undergrowth.  I look up and see a hunter sitting up on a branch.  I see him lift his riffle and don't even think about it.

I leap and bound onto the branch and to stop him from screaming I open my mouth and rip his head off.  I spit his head out of my mouth while I jump down from the tree. 

The twins lick my mouth reassuring themselves that I'm okay. They suddenly look up and the pack charge into the hut some in human form and others as their wolves.  

Movement is seen by all three of us just off to the right of the hut and another hunter is trying to hide under some bushes.   I see Miles and Gale looking at one another and then they push me to follow them.  

We creep and slink through the forest until we are behind the hunter trying to hide.  Miles steps forward and growls deep in his throat.  The hunter starts to sweat more and we can really smell him now.  

Miles moves closer and the hunter watching Miles moves back and Gale opens his mouth and rips his throat out.  He shakes his head spitting out the flesh and tendons. I watch until the light is totally out of his eyes before shifting and pulling on my pants and t-shirt.  

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