The Brothers Mate Chapter 6

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 The twins flank me as we walk towards the hut. We walk in and we hear cries from the open hatch in the floor. The twins shift and Gale goes first, then me and then Miles.

I dry heave at the smell, I begin to shake until the twins take my hands in theirs. They let me feel their presence and assurance. 

I look at the cage, I was held in and the silver shackles that held me for so long.  Jewel roars in my head.  I go to the first cage that someone has opened.  I tap their foot like I use to when in the cage next to them. He flies into my arms and sobs. 

I pat his back while my mate's try not growling at the small man in my arms.  Some of the captives come out. There are three new wolves. 

"Alpha we had to let them take them.  If we had made our presence known they could have killed everyone" one of the scouts explains. 

"I know Josh, they will understand" Alpha replies, I look at all the captives and when I don't see Amy. I tap Sam on his shoulder and point to the cage she was in. 

"They took her somewhere" he tells me.  

I feel the tears start to fall down my face. I turn around and run up the ladder and out of the hut.  I shift and let out a roar and shake my head.  I feel rather than see someone watching me.  I start to run to the tree line where I felt the presence.  

I feel the twins running after me. Lizzy pulls me to the right and then I smell them.  I dig my claws into the ground and pick up speed.  I leap when I see him up ahead my front paw lands on his back and as he fall's I rip his head off.  I spit that out and rip the rest of him apart.  

I roar again when there are no more pieces big enough to rip. I shake my head and then walk towards the twins, I chuff to let them know I'm okay.  I look up at the large black Alpha wolf and bow my head. 

He nods and we walk back to the rest of the pack. The twins understand when I let Sam climb on my back and give him a lift back to the medical centre. It takes longer to get back because there are other victims that need to be carried. 

I wait until Sam is settled and cleaned up with an IV set up and his wounds dressed.   The twins tell him we will see him tomorrow. The Alpha told the scouts to follow the scent from the hunter I attacked as he believed he was coming back from somewhere.  I'm still in my tiger form as we walk up to the twin's suit.  

Jewel is really restless because we didn't find Amy. 

"Hey Silver are you going to shift back now?" Miles ask. 

Jewel chuff's and shakes her head. 

"Alright don't worry" he says pulling the mattress of the bed and putting it on the floor. 

"Let's sleep on the floor, because I'm not sure the bed would support your tiger" he adds. 

Jewel chuff's and the lay's down on her side on the mattress.  Miles and Gale stand there looking down at me. I realise that Jewel is probably filling the mattress.  I don't really know how to tell her to move so they can fit on too as she is really upset right now.  

Jewel lifts her head and then reaches out a paw and brings down Gale so he is laying within her arms. Miles scratches the back of his neck. He kneels and goes to lay on Jewels other side but Jewel moves her body and he falls on her side. Jewel purrs to let them know she is okay. 

 "Night Silver and your tiger" Gale says 

"Yep night" Miles murmurs while he snuggles into my tiger's body.

  I'm woken with Gale trying to move my paw, I lick his neck 

"Sorry I need to getup and use the bathroom" he apologises.  

I hear Miles snoring and smile to myself 

'Jewel do you feel a little better?' I ask 

'I want to kill them all Silver, that little girl is out there scared and alone' she replies. 

'We'll find her Jewel.  We are not on our own now' I tell her.  

She purrs and I feel Miles push his hips into my tiger's side. 

'Oh! they smell good, don't they? I can smell Miles arousal do you think he's dreaming of us?' Jewel purrs.  

'Probably Jewel.'

Gale comes back out the bathroom and lays down again 

"How are you doing?" he asks Jewel.  

She licks his face and he, smiles into her eye's.

'Your eyes are like bright Jewels their beautiful' he says 

Jewel gets excited when she hears her name from our mate's lips.  She licks him and purrs. 

He tilts his head "is your name Jewel?" he asks

Jewel lifts her head and nods. 

"It's great to finally know your name, Jewel.  It fits you perfectly" Gale says.

He hears his brother grunt and then watches him rub himself into Jewels side. 

"Miles wake-up before you embarrass yourself" Gales says sternly. 

Miles lifts his head and then he blushes when his hips push down again. He jumps up from jewel. "Ur sorry, Pus.., tiger" 

"Jewel, her name is Jewel" Gale tells him. 

"Wow, cool name. Excuse me" he turns and runs into the bathroom.  We hear a thud as he hits his head against the wall. 

 Gale smiles at me. "Do you think you're ready to shift back now?" 

I feel Jewel letting me take back control and shift.  

Gale looks at me "hi, Jewel is beautiful and is incredibly fierce when in attack mode" he tells me.  

I nod my head and then stroke his cheek.  I see his eye's go vacant and know someone's talking to him through their link. 

Miles comes out the bathroom "our Dad wants to see us" Gale says.  

We make our way down to his office and this time when we go in it's just the Alpha and Beta there.

"The scouts where able to find another hut there was no-one guarding it so they believe that they where in the process of moving there. They found a small girl and are bring her in." I clap hoping it's Amy, Jewel chuff's hoping so too. 

"Silver your tiger is very impressive and I believe you will be a wonderful addition to this pack" the Alpha says.   

I bow my head in thanks. 

"Boy's as it's the weekend take her out and buy her some clothes as well as some clothes for our other guests" he says. 

"Thanks Dad, see you later" the twins say together. 

We walk back up to their room 

"Silver do you want to go to our favourite diner?" Miles asks 

"They make the best pancakes and their full breakfast is huge" Gale adds. 

It's been along time since I've done anything so ordinary.  I nod but walk to the pad and pen on the table.  I write 'as long as you stay close when shopping. I really don't like being around strangers.' 

They agree and we get washed and dressed.  I feel excited but also worried.  What if we meet some of their friends and they think, I'm dumb because I can't speak at the moment.  'Stop Silver, our mate's wouldn't have such terrible friends' Jewel tells me.

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