The Brothers Mate Chapter 7

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We walk down stairs again and out to the garage.  Gale walks up to a truck and opens the door for me. 

"Just in case you need Jewel to come out" I smile at him and stroke his cheek. 

I sit in between them on front seat.  I tap Miles on the shoulder and indicate his phone.  He passes it to me and I type 'I will have to go back to my house and get my things and then close the house up. I will want to spend some time up there sometimes as tigers are not very sociable' Miles reads it for Gale.

"We would love to see where you live Silver and spending time there is fine. Where is your home?" Gale asks.  

I type 'Alaska, Nepal mainly'. 

"Mainly?" Miles asks I nod my head. 

 Gale pulls into a car park and there are a number of teenager's already hanging outside.   I take a deep breath. 

"Miles you deal with your friends, you know they are going to want to get all up into Silver's business" Gale instructs.  

Miles jumps out the truck and walks up to a group of sporty type teens. 

"Silver, we never asked your age?" Gale asks. 

I take his hand and write 19 on his palm. 

"We're not 19 until next month" 

I take his hand and count his five fingers and then another one. 

"Your birthday was in June?" I nod and he smiles at me.  

I hear a high pitch laugh and look out the window as a girl comes out the dinner and walks up to Miles and runs her nail along his shoulder.  I'm out the truck before I've thought of it and grab Miles hand.

When the girl looks me up and down it makes Jewel want to use her as a chew toy.  Miles pulls me towards the dinner and Gale comes up to my other side and holds my other hand.  I turn and glare at the girl and see her swallow.  

I smile as I turn around and think, yes don't mess with me.  I ask Gale for his phone and type 'who was that?' 

"I slept with her a few times and she thought she owned a piece of me. She thinks she's all that because her father runs a large furniture store here in town" Miles answers.   

I growl at the thought of him being touched by her. 

"I know stupid teenage hormones and I'm male!" he adds

I nod and sit on Gales side of the booth when we sit down.  A boy walks into the diner and looks straight at us then walks up to us and stands beside our table. 

"Hey sweetheart, you don't want to hang around with these loses" he sneers. 

 I don't look at him, I take a sugar cube packet from the dish and rip it open. 

"Hey, honey, are you listening to me?" 

Miles and Gale are trying to keep their wolves in check.   I line up the sugar cube and then with my tiger strength and flick it.  The boy jumps back and cries while holding his junk.   

I take a menu and start looking at what I would like.   Miles and Gale roar with laughter. The boy leaves limping and bent over protecting his junk. 

"That was priceless" Gale says dabbing his happy tears away.  

I type 'what furniture store does her family run?' 

"Lennon's" Gale answers.  

I open up the internet and log in to my email. I type out instructions and then press send and log out.  

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