Hot Tub | Cypress x Deadly Alto

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"Mind if I join you?" The familiar voice of DA caused Cypress to jump in surprise, letting out a small shriek. "Crap- Sorry to scare you, honey..." He chuckled, sitting down on the edge of the hot tub.

"O-Oh! Hi!" Cypress stuttered, smiling softly. She glanced down and her face turned a dark pink. "Y-You're- You're shirtless!" She exclaimed, voice sounding even more high pitched.

"Well yeah," He tilted his head a bit, smiling in amusement. "I'm plannin on swimming? Why?"

She sank under the water a bit so only her eyes and up was visible, her  blush still apparent. She avoided looking at him, even when he let out a laugh and stepped down into the hot tub and sat beside her.

"Whaaat? Is me being shirtless embarrassing you, honey~?" He smirked a bit. Cypress slowly went above the water again, huffing and shaking her head. "You sure~?"

She nodded. "Mhm.."

"Pfft. Alright then." He thought for a minute before grinning. "Wanna see who can hold their breath for longer?"

Cypress giggled a bit, nodding. "You're on! Three... Two... One!"

Both of them dipped underneath the water, holding their breaths. There was a pause before DA cupped Cypress's face in his hand, pressing a kiss to her lips. He used his free hand to gently pull her back up. She squeaked quietly in surprise, blushing again. He sat down on the ledge of the hot-tub, pulling her up onto his lap.

She whimpered and deeped the kiss befpre eventually pulling away to breathe. "Ah... W-Why did you-"

"Heh. Just felt like it..." He hummed, placing his hands on her waist. "You're so cute when you're flustered, you know that~?"

She gulped and looked away shyly, hiding her face in his shoulder. "Mmmn~.." She then smiled herself and kissed him roughly without warning, making him let out a gasp of surprise before kissing back.

Cypress whimpered a bit again, slowly rolling her hips against DA's, making him let out a small groan of pleasure. She giggled a bit into the kiss, speeding up a bit.

He pulled away from the kiss, leaning his head back and shutting his eyes. "Ah.. Fuuckk~.." He muttered, slowly reaching down to put his hand on her inner thigh, panting slightly. She nodded a bit to signal to him that he would go farther, whining desperately. He slowly began to rub at her through her clothes, making her shiver against him, panting softly.

"I'm sorry but what the cinnamon toast FUCK is going on out here???" Yuki's sharp voice cut in and made the two practically scramble apart, faces red.

"Y-Yuki! W-What are you doing here?!" Cypress stuttered as DA looked like he might have a heart attack right there.

"I could ask you two the same fucking question! Why are you fucking in the hot tub?"

DA growled to himself and pulled Cypress out of the hot tub and into a portal, flipping Yuki off.

They exited in his bedroom, where he pinned Cypress to the bed.

"Now... Where were we~?"

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