Chapter 14

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Weekend wore on as the seed of desolation grew within me. Ariellè was going to leave me after this day and I wanted to make this the most memorable one. The whole week, we spent our time in the rooftop and in my room. She was neither stiff nor silent the whole time and I was glad of it. I didn't even know if Parker visited her without my awareness but based on the reaction of Ariellè she seemed not bothered by anyone— the reaction that flashed on her face the moment she saw Parker.

Last night, George texted me that Parker had been in the bar— intoxicated and lost. I was still worried because he was still my friend. But if he would insist that he'll get Ariellè, then I won't fold; I will fight for my possible chance. A couple of moment later, I rose from bed and leapt out of it. I ambled to the glass-wall and slumped on the usual spot of Ariellè. I was contemplating of the things that might happen after this weekend. She'll go home and she'll reenter to the place where really belonged.

Ariellè said she'll not yet continue her schooling though I couldn't help but to ponder her suitors and envy the life outside would offer. Hence, after that night, I had decided to admit my real feelings for her. It was hard to summon the strength to do that bold confession but the pessimistic thoughts had gotten me to be someone who was a total poltroon. Honestly, this was my first time to feel the cowardice consuming my whole entity; my bravado was falling onto the lowest of the low. However, I knew that I needed to tell my feelings for her before Parker got his chance.

Staring at Ariellè who were now complaining about her dress. When she went here, I asked her to wear something nice because we were having a friendly date. Dang that friendly date, the coward shit in me jumped out. I just wanted to punched myself for being like this when I was in front of her— the word bravado suddenly disappeared when she was smiling at me.

Actually, I prepared all the things for tonight. In the darkness of the City, under the coruscating stars and the faint light from the moon up above, I set the table we'll be sitting for tonight. Ariellè didn't know what was this all about, she only knew that I wanted to celebrate our friendship and we'll be having a friendly date. She didn't like the idea wearing such dresses especially when she was in the hospital. Although, she still managed to grab a very beautiful dress for tonight. Ariellè was wearing a pink halter top dress and a pair of flat shoes. Her hair were in a messy bun and some wisps were dangling in front of her beautiful and mesmerizing face.

She was indeed a beautiful woman. I wanted to keep her; I wanted to give all the things and love she deserved. Halos hindi ko maisip na nakaya ni Parker na gawin iyon sa kaniya. She was precious and she didn't deserve to be hurt like that—to receive those pain from an unworthy man like Parker. I was no saint, I used to play with other girls before. My actions and my thoughts plunged to the level of hypocrisy but I didn't know what to react. Those words were what I wanted to spit on my friend's face. I might have been an asshole to the girls I dated— a complete douche-bag but I was selective. I won't go and act as a pure and serious prince charming to a woman because at the very beginning, I had always informed them that I was not open for any serious relationship.

Magkaiba nga kami ni Parker. I was vocal of what I was—I'd never mantled myself with a façade of a great prince, rather I'd shown them the real me. I knew that there was no excuse for being an asshole— there was no justification from that act. Parker had used my history with women to stain my image to Ariellè but I didn't care anymore. But a part of me was hoping that it wouldn't give Ariellè the bad impression.

"Don't worry, you're pretty." I said while folding my blue long sleeved polo shirt.

She scrunched up her nose, "You know what? I don't really know why I need to wear dress."

"Don't you like to celebrate our friendship?" I forced the solemnity on my voice—to feign a sad expression.

"Hindi naman sa gano'n." She smiled, "Ito naman, masyado ka namang madamdamin. H'wag ka ngang sumimangot, ang gwapo mo pa naman."

The Forgotten Memories of Alexis (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora