Chapter 22

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After we eat, spent almost thirty minutes—idle in the absence of noise between us. The water on the glass sparkled as it illuminated by the bar of light coming from the ceiling. Unaware of my action, I grazed my index finger on the rim of the glass as I fixated my eyes on her. She was absently stirring the bowl of soup I ordered for her that she hadn't finished. Like lost in trance, I want to scoff or make any noise just so I could have again her attention. Also, I want to know what was she thinking right now. But apart from that, the undying silence that sat between us rolled like a solace in my behalf.

When her eyes met mine, I couldn't help but to smile. I wanted to ask her if she wanted to go out of this area but there was something large that was clogged on my throat as I was unable to spit any word. The brief flash of smile on her lips made me shiver as she then looked on her wristwatch. I did the same and realized that we had exceeded the time given to us. My eyes transferred to the nurses who seemed to be consumed by boredom and their heavy lids made me feel sorry for them. They waited almost two hour, I thought. Before I could say something, Ariellè stood up and glanced down at me.

"Let's go?" she asked. She then glanced at the nurses just steps away from us.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?"

She shook her head, "We have to get back to the hospital before your Momma finds out that we exceeded the time she gave to us."

"Okay," I nodded.

As what we agreed, we went back to the hospital only to see my hell of a friend waiting for someone in the lobby of the hospital. My grasp on Ariellè's hand tightened, making her crane her neck to listen to my unuttered rant. There was a part of me wanted to command the guards to pull Parker out of my hospital but I didn't want Ariellè to see that savage part of myself. I was no saint; I was no kind with anyone. But I didn't want Ariellè to see that dark part of me. Parker had been my best friend ever since I learned to walk, he was my best buddy but somehow right now, looking at him, it felt like there was something rose between us—a barrier. My eyes locked to him whereas his eyes locked to my Ariellè. There was an apparent longing on his eyes as he looked at Ariellè. When he realized that I was with her, Parker's eyes flitted to our intertwined hands. I slightly pulled Ariellè, making her body touched mine. Parker swallowed as he tried to step forward. I clenched my jaw as I unlatched my hand from Ariellè and moved forward to block his sight of Ariellè.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, totally annoyed of his presence.

"I am not here for you—"

"What brought you here?" I probed, even though I knew already the answer.

"I want to talk to Ariellè—"

"She's not available. She's busy with me." My jaw clenched as I balled my fist.

My inside was screaming curses. There was a huge amount of fear that welled within me. A part of me believed that Ariellè was still in love with this asshole despite the assurance she gave me. The way her eyes turned to something unexplainable, something deep and mysterious when she heard his name? It was giving me an excruciating cut through my chest but I tried to push it out of my line of concern. However, right now, I couldn't neglect that fact.

"Ariellè, please let's talk—"

"I told you she's not going to talk to you!" I shouted as I held Ariellè's hand.

"Who are you to say that, huh?" Parker looked at me, mirroring the anger and annoyance on my eyes. However, those were vanished as he looked at Ariellè, "Ariellè, please let's talk."

"Ariellè, let's go." I glanced at Ariellè.

Ariellè nodded but her eyes fixated on her feet. She was neither pleased nor disappointed with the situation— there was no trace of expression on her face as she let me pull her out of the commotion Parker was trying to create. The short but blazing interaction with Parker drew attention from the nurses and patients on the hospital. The lobby was crowded with uniformed people and civilian.

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