Passing Time

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Many years passed this way. Matt and Edd would find some way to let the Ridgewell's home be their shelter for the holiday.

Tom would spend the very few days he had at the waterfall, visiting his late boyfriend. He always had found something to occupy his time. Every year he would do three things. First, he would weave a new flower crown for Tord's headstone. Then a new twist would come apon one of the items on his bucket list.

For item number three, Tom waited for a rain, and then spun around by himself, dancing to a beat found only in his head. Number seven was covered by Tom sitting next to the rose bush, remembering what made him fall for Tord in the first place. Lastly, Tom completed two by dragging Edd out into the woods, just so he could watch Tom drink a whole bottle of cider, and make sure that he didn't die.

Christmas was always the last day that they spent in Tom's hometown, and he would use that day to surprise the Larson's with another letter from 'K.B', talking about all the reasons their son should be missed.

5. Your interesting style inspired me every day to step outside my comfort zone, but now I feel like a turtle, hidden in my shell.

29. The soft voice you used to sing me to sleep during sleepless nights has almost faded compleatly now, and sleepless nights seem long drawn out now.

13. Your pointed hair always reminded me to look up and keep my head held high. Now I can only see tha ground.

The list was seemingly endless by the end of the ninth year...

Dear Starboy |*I've missed you*| (Continuation of Dear Starboy)Where stories live. Discover now