The End in Friend

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Tom practically flew off the cliff, struggling to grab hold of anything possible. As he fell, he heard his father remark:

"You brought much shame on this family, Thomas."

Was this really the last thing he was going to hear? It made him feel sick.

Tom hit the icy water with a splash, and his muscles suddenly froze. After spending a moment in the water, Tom relaxed, and stopped attempting to flail about like a fish out of water. Although he was going to abandon two of his dearest friends, Kittyboy was about to find the boy who meant the world to him. That was all that mattered.

As Tom closed his eyes, his body became lifeless, and his seven minutes[*] began. His miserable childhood flew by, but everything slowed for the wonderful time that Tord, Edd, and Matt held a place in his heart. The last thing that he saw was his father's snarling face, then the place that had consumed his boyfriend's life. His fall seamed to play in slow motion, but when all was done, his vision snapped to black.

"When do you think Tom will be getting home?" Matt pondered, looking at the time.

"Haven't a clue, but it can't be long now." Edd responded, his voice empty and dark.

Matt turned on the TV, and Edd went to get some colas. When he opened the door, Edd found the letter that Tom had mentioned the day before.

Matt clucked on the TV, and his question was answered at once.

The boy let out a shriek.


[*] It is said that after your heart stops functioning, your brain is still active for seven minutes, which it then uses to play your live back scene by scene. When the person does not end up dying (immediately), this is often described as someone's life flashing before their eyes

Dear Starboy |*I've missed you*| (Continuation of Dear Starboy)Where stories live. Discover now