A Heartfelt Letter

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Edd, Matt,

You have been the closest thing to sunshine in my life for the past ten years. Thank you.
You are truly magnificent friends, and just because I've left you, it doesn't mean I don't love you. Every single piece of my shattered heart  has loved you will miss you for eternity. 

This is much harder than I thought. You have given me a safe house and the loving family that I never had as I was growing up, and it is so painful for me to leave you, especially in this way. Please allow me to explain.
While my Starboy- Tord- was still alive, we made a bucket list together. When he passed away, he had finally completed it, but I didn't. Every time we would take the annual trip to Starbank Forest, I would put a twist on one item, then complete it. This year, I will complete it for myself, If I follow my plan, of course.
The last item that I've left myself is to visit the stars. I'm not quite sure what happens after death, but no matter what way death takes us, I know one thing. I will visit Starboy, and that's close enough for me.

Now where do I begin? Questions, answers, the unknown?

Answers. I want there to be no questions that are brought apon  you with my death, so I'll give you the answer to everything you're wondering.

-I'm weak. At times, it may seam that I have no emotions, but those are the days where I long for Tord to still walk this earth. 

-I am K.B. While we dated, Tord was always too shy to tell me why he loved me, although he couldn't leave me wondering. Nearly every day, I would receive a letter with three reasons he loved me, signed 'S.B', short for Starboy. He always called me Kittyboy, and I figured it would be fitting to sign my letters of reasons to miss him with 'K.B'.

-Although it is me who is taking my own life, please know that I did not die a sad man. I have longed to see my Starboy for ten long years, and we'll finally be reunited by the time you get this letter.

Now, about my death.

-You might wonder who you should tell about my fate. Well, I would like you to tell the Larsons that I'll be staying with their son. And please tell my mom, bless her heart for letting us stay there every Christmas for the past nine years.

-I don't want my funeral to be a mourning, but a celebration. A celebration that I had the courage to find my love once again, and fix my mistakes. Please let it be a reunion. Invite old and new friends to waltz apon my grave.

-Lastly, please let the Larson's place my grave. I decided where their son ended up when I left him, so they should have finial say over me.

Please know that I have not yet committed to my fate, but only time will tell. If I end up not returning from the falls, just know that you have changed my life, and I hope you will remember me in good terms. If not, read Tord's letters to me. I've left them in the pastel blue shoe box on my bed.

I'm finally happy, I'm with Starboy now.

The letter was originally signed with 'Kittyboy', but that was soon crossed out and 'Tom' was scribbled in it's place.

Tom folded the tear-stained paper and slipped it into it's matching envelope. After thinking for a while, he decide it'd be best to leave it under a can of Edd's cola.

Wow, I think this is the longest thing I've written in this book. I only meant for this to be a short chapter, but NOPE! This is why you don't write past midnight.

Dear Starboy |*I've missed you*| (Continuation of Dear Starboy)Where stories live. Discover now